Vote up your favorite animated films released by The Walt Disney Studios, including Pixar, Studio Ghibli, and DisneyToon Studios. Latest additions: Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, Inside Out 2, Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Most divisive: Fantasia Over 29.4K Ranker voters...
About the only place Simba’s gang hasn’t been is inside Victoria and Albert’s, and I’m pretty sure they are trying to find a way to get Pumbaa on the menu. Still, considering that it was until recently the biggest Disney animated hit of all time and has been around for 20 ye...
“Sleeping Beauty,” a pinnacle of Disney’s animated classics, weaves a spellbinding tale of romance, enchantment, and the battle between good and evil. Released in 1959, it’s celebrated for its breathtaking animation, which was inspired by medieval art, giving it a unique and timeless aesthe...
Finally. The Final Five. And thankfully, they are all great films. These are the ones you have known about ever since you could talk. Chances are these are some of the first movies you have ever watched. When the “Greatest Animated Feature Films of All Time” are discussed, these next...
Disney Classics are considered the most important animated films of his whole cinematography. You can notice the variety of influences and music genres used in these films; they really go beyond the boundaries of American pop music. This work will investigate on the reasons why Disney Classics' ...
Interested in learning more about Disney films? Good Chemistry: The Story of Elemental is now streaming on Disney+ along with Elemental and other films such as The Little Mermaid (live action and animated versions), Luca, A Bug’s Life, Toy Story, Cars, Light Year, Coco, ...
For decades, Disney’s animation studio eschewed making theatrically released sequels to its beloved classics, with only a few exceptions. But in the twilight years of Bob Iger’s first go-round as CEO, and with the massive success of many live-action/CGI remakes of animated classics, their...
Disney Animation costume designers Lorelay Bové, Brittney Lee, and Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay join with the Walt Disney Animation Research Library to show how historical and contemporary fashion design has inspired some of the most iconic costumes in animated films and even reveal a few designs tha...
Ranking the top 20 Disney Animated Films of All-Time With the release of Disney's mega-budgeted animated musical "Frozen" coming over Thanksgiving weekend (read Drew's review here), we here at HitFix decided to put the studio's past animated classics up for a vote, from iconic early eff...
In fact, Disney wouldn't do such a graphic villain death in the Disney Animated Canon again until at least when The Black Cauldron came out in 1985. The only time Maleficent is heard singing in animation is during the song "It's Our House Now" in the film Mickey's House of Villains....