Combining classic design and modern luxury with legendary Disney storytelling, the award-winning Disney Dream invites you to embark on an unforgettable voyage where dreams really do come true.View Cruises Dining with Character Feast on gourmet delights and made-to-order casual fare at magically themed...
Learn about the layout and amenities of Concierge Royal Suites, 1-Bedroom Suites and Family Oceanview Staterooms with Verandahs on the Disney Dream cruise ship.
Disney Cruise Line operates 4 great family ships and owns a private island in the Bahamas. Great premises for a family trip! See our top cruise deals.
迪士尼海上巡游线(Disney Cruise Line,DCL)是迪士尼公司提供的豪华邮轮游览服务,是华特迪士尼主题乐园及度假区最具增长性,表现最好的一项业务。 迪士尼海上巡航线提供往返于美国东海岸佛罗里达,包括巴哈马海域、加勒比海、美国西海岸—墨西哥蔚蓝海岸和地中海地区的多日航海度假产品。依靠迪士尼的品牌优势和对主题公园的管理...
Book a Disney cruise by March 14, 2025, and pay only half of your required deposit on the day you make your reservation. Embark on a tropical cruise to the Caribbean or The Bahamas—or choose from one of our other fun-filled itineraries to Alaska, Europe, Mexico and beyond! Get Details...
Learn about Standard and Deluxe Inside Stateroom design features and amenities on the Disney Dream cruise ship, like split bathrooms and Magical Portholes.
过去十年Disney Dream还多次蝉联第一名。 前五和前十,除了Celeberity精致邮轮, 就数迪士尼成绩最好了! 而且在各个子项目中的排名里也都名列前茅 (客房,餐饮、娱乐、服务、登船、公共区域、岸上游等等) 在动辄几百艘的邮轮排名里, 这真的是非常不容易的成绩了。
终于踏上了Disney Dream邮轮,享受这个充满圣诞气息和迪士尼人物的假期。在阳台上吹吹海风,真是惬意无比。以下是一些出发前的小贴士,希望能帮到大家: Disney Cruise App:这个应用非常实用。虽然出发前无法查看每日活动,但上船后可以通过app随时查看。 晚餐时间:如果晚餐排队到5:45,基本上都能安排上。提前吃完晚饭,可...
就像邮轮旅行丰富多样,而只有这一班邮轮能令全世界成人小孩都疯狂着迷,搭乘一次就会上瘾,它就是Disney Cruise! 梦幻般的迪士尼豪华邮轮为迪士尼自营邮轮;目前旗下有4艘豪华邮轮:Disney Magic迪斯尼魔法号;Disney Wonder迪斯尼奇幻号;Disney Dream迪斯尼梦想号;Disney Fantasy迪斯尼幻想号。