Dismissing an employee is sometimes unavoidable, either because an individual is behaving badly or underperforming at work, or the business simply cannot afford to maintain its current levels of staff. As an employer, even where you have a clear and legi
really reduces employee benefits unilaterally, he can be regardedasdismissing an employeeafter giving him his pension. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 根據 法例是不可以單方面削減福利的,但是如果僱主真的要單方面削減,便只可 以當僱主變相將僱員解僱,讓僱員取回退休金便是。
There are many roles in heavily regulated sectors such as aged care, health services, disability services, child care, local government, and professional services where an employee must meet certain statutory requirements to be able to perform their usual duties. There is often a tension between a...