Legal Financial Wikipedia Related to dismissal:Constructive dismissal,Unfair dismissal,Wrongful dismissal Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> brushoff kick in the t... knock-back rebuff refusal
Synonym: dismission pink slip 数据来源:WordNet双语例句 1 Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue . 她被解雇简直就是晴天霹雳。 2 She decided to sue her employer for wrongful dismissal . 她决定起诉雇主非法解雇她。 3 He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late...
February 12, 2025Which one is a synonym forfront? treatisesubsistencevanguard Get the answer Start each day with the Synonym of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. ...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> jurisprudencelawjudgementjudgmentjudicial deci...judgement of...dismissaljudgment o... noun Synonyms for judgment of dismissal nouna judgment disposing of the matter without a trial Synonyms dismissal judgement of dismissal Related ...
Synonym: dismission pink slip dismissal[dɪsˈmɪsl] 中文翻译 1 n. 解雇;免职 英语释义 1 n. official notice that you have been fired from your job 2 n. permission to go; the sending away of someone 3 n. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)...
"Discharge" can be a synonym, especially in employment contexts. 10 Can a contract face Dismissal? Typically, contracts are "terminated" not "dismissed." 9 Is Dismissal always the fault of the dismissed? Often it implies fault, but context matters. 8 Can you "dismiss" an idea? Yes, Dismis...
judgement of dismissal :Definition, Usages, News and More judgement of dismissal na judgment disposing of the matter without a trial Synonym(s) judgment of dismissal dismissal Bee Dictionary:Search, browse, look at common errors, idioms and more....
PERSICO dell' Universitd degli Studi, Palermo, Italy DNA polymorphisms SIR- The term "polymorphism" is used routinely as a synonym for "variant" in the recent literature describing DNA restric- tion fragments obtained from genomic DNA, regardless of their frequency. For example, a recent paper ...
Synonym:dismissionpink slip 双语例句 He sat there while I made the case for his dismissal他坐在那儿,听我陈述解雇他的理由。 The EMPLOYEE has the right to appeal against written warnings or dismissal to the Labour Dispute Committee if any.该员工有权针对其受到的书面警告或开除决定向劳动争议委员会...
Synonyms for dismissals in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for dismissals. 101 synonym for dismiss: reject, disregard, spurn, repudiate, pooh-pooh, banish, drop, dispel, shelve, discard, set aside, eradicate, cast out, lay aside... What are synonyms for dismis