Dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:C:\test\images\myimage.vhd /Index:1 /Get-MountedImageInfo 傳回目前已掛接的 .ffu、.vhd、.vhdx、.wim 映像的清單,以及有關掛接映像的資訊,例如映像是否有效、讀取/寫入權限、掛接位置、掛接檔案的路徑、掛接映像索引。
/Set-UILang - Sets the default system UI language that is used in the mounted offline image. /Set-UILangFallback - Sets the fallback default language for the system UI in the mounted offline image. /Set-UserLocale - Sets the user locale in the mounted offline image. /Set-SysLocale - ...
Dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:C:\test\images\myimage.vhd /Index:1 /Get-MountedImageInfo 返回当前装载的 .ffu、.vhd、.vhdx 和 .wim 映像列表,以及有关已装载的映像的信息,例如,该映像是否有效、读/写权限、装载位置、已装载文件的路径,以及已装载映像的索引。
-Mounted Gets information, including the mount path, for all images mapped to a directories on the local computer. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:True Accept wildcard characters:False ...
使用/CheckIntegrity以在將變更認可至映像時偵測和追蹤 .wim 檔案損毀。 當您套用或掛接映像時,請再次使用/CheckIntegrity以在偵測到檔案損毀時停止作業。/CheckIntegrity無法與虛擬硬碟 (VHD) 檔案搭配使用。 套用的影像 已儲存套用影像的變更,您不需要採取任何步驟來認可您所做的變更。
If you do not specify the parameters to unmount, this option lists all of the mounted images but does not perform the unmount action.Important You must use either the /commit or /discard argument when you use the /unmount option. After modifying an image, you can apply the image from a ...
State: 映像的状态,通常是Active或Mounted。 例如,运行命令: bashCopy Code dism/Get-WimInfo/WimFile:C:\Images\install.wim 可能输出如下信息: bashCopy Code DeploymentImagingServiceandManagementToolVersion:10.0.18362.1Details for image :C:\Images\install.wimIndex :1Name :Windows10ProDescription :Windows10...
Dism /Get-MountedImageInfo /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:<path_to_image_file> {/Index:<image_index>|/Name:<image_name>} Displays information about the images that are contained in the .wim, vhd or .vhdx file. When used with the/Indexor/Nameargument, information about the specified image is...
Deletes all of the resources associated with a mounted WIM image that has been abandoned. This command does not unmount currently mounted images, and it does not delete images that can be remounted. Example: Dism /Cleanup-Wim /Get-WimInfo ...
/CheckHealth,/ScanHealth,/RestoreHealth,/Source, and/LimitAccesscan’t be used when servicing a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 images. /HideSPand/SPSupersededcan’t be used when servicing a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows® 7 Servic...