You capture the Windows 10 image by using theDISM /Capture-Imagecommand. You try to apply the captured Windows 10 image by using theDISM /Apply-Imagecommand. In this scenario, theDISM /Apply-Imagecommand fails with error code 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED). ...
在此方案中,DISM /Apply-Image命令失败,错误代码为 5(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)。 原因 由Ubuntu 包安装的文件可能会导致DISM /Apply-Image失败。 解决方法 在使用DISM /Capture-Image命令捕获 Windows 10 映像之前,请勿下载并安装 Ubuntu 包。 将 Windows 10 映像应用到设备后,可以下载并安装 Ubuntu 包...
DISM.exe /Capture-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /CaptureDir:D:\ /Name:Drive-D dism /Capture-Ffu /? Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.20348.681 /Capture-Ffu /ImageFile:<path_to_image_file> /CaptureDrive:<physical_drive_path> /Name:<Name> [/Description:Description] ...
Example 1: Capture an image of a drive for a WIM filePowerShell Copia PS C:\> New-WindowsImage -ImagePath "c:\imagestore\custom.wim" -CapturePath "d:\" -Name "Drive D"This command captures the Drive D image in the WIM file located on d:\ and save to the file c:\imagestore\...
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth Ensure that you are using the correct syntax for the DISM command. The syntax for capturing an image with DISM looks like this: DISM /Capture-Image /ImageFile:"PathToImage.wim" /CaptureDir:"SourceDirectory" /Name:"ImageName" /Description:"ImageDesc...
{servicing_command} [<servicing_arguments>] 描述: DISM 枚举、安装、卸载、配置和更新 Windows 映像 中的功能和程序包。可以使用的命令取决于提供的映像 以及映像是处于脱机还是运行状态。 FFU 命令: /Capture-Ffu - 将物理磁盘映像捕获到新的 FFU 文件中。
/Mount-Image - 从 WIM 或 VHD 文件装载映像。 /Remount-Image - 恢复孤立的映像装载目录。 /Cleanup-Mountpoints - 删除与损坏的已安装映像 关联的资源。 WIM 命令: /Apply-CustomDataImage - 冻结自定义数据映像中包含的文件。 /Capture-CustomImage - 将自定义设置捕获到 WIMBoot 系统上的增量 WIM 文件中...
dism /capture-image /imagefile:E:\win8.wim /captureDir:C:\ /Name:Drive-C dism /capture-image /imagefile:E:\recovery.wim /captureDir:b:\ /Name:Drive-b dism /capture-image /imagefile:E:\system.wim /captureDir:a:\ /Name:Drive-a ...
Option: /Append-Image Arguments: /ImageFile:<path_to_image_file> /CaptureDir:<source_directory> /Name:<image_name> [/Description:<image_description>] [/ConfigFile:<configurtion_file.ini>] [/Bootable] /WIMBoot [/CheckIntegrity] [/Verify] [/NoRpFix] Adds an additional image to a .wim ...
Capture and Apply Windows, System, and Recovery Partitions Boot to VHD (Native Boot): Add a Virtual Hard Disk to the Boot Menu Concepts BCDboot Command-Line Options Other Resources Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Command-Line Options...