For more information, including requirements for app package provisioning, seeSideload Apps with DISMandHow to develop an OEM app that uses a custom filein MicrosoftDocs. Examples Example 1: Add an app package to the running operating system ...
/Add-ProvisioningPackage /Get-ProvisioningPackageInfo /Apply-CustomDataImage 使用DISM 处理预配包 (.ppkg) 文件。 例如,可以将设置和 Windows 桌面应用程序添加到 Windows,或减小 Windows 安装的大小。 /Add-ProvisioningPackage 将预配包的适用有效负载添加到指定映像。
/Add-Edge - 将 Microsoft Edge 添加到映像。 预配程序包服务命令: /Get-ProvisioningPackageInfo - 获取预配程序包的信息。 /Add-ProvisioningPackage - 添加预配程序包。 WINDOWS 版本服务命令: /Set-ProductKey - 设置脱机映像的产品密钥。 /Get-TargetEditions - 显示可以将映像升级到的 Windows 版本列表。 /Get...
Add-WindowsPackage Clear-WindowsCorruptMountPoint Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature Dismount-WindowsImage Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature Get-AppxProvisionedPackage Get-WindowsDriver Get-WindowsEdition Get-WindowsImage Get-WindowsOptionalFeature Get-WindowsPackage ...
Add-WindowsPackage-Path "C:\MountPath"-PackagePath "C:\Packages" 卸载软件包: powershellCopy Code Remove-WindowsPackage -Path "C:\MountPath" -PackageName "PackageName" 启用和禁用Windows功能: 使用DISM 命令启用或禁用Windows功能: powershellCopy Code ...
To find out how to work with siloed provisioning packages, see Lab 10: Add desktop applications and settings with siloed provisioning packages (SPPs).Copy /Apply-SiloedPackage /PackagePath:<package_path> /ImagePath:<applied_image_path>
This second case is referred to as provisioning an app package.Add an App PackageYou can install an app package (.appx or .appxbundle) on a per-user basis by using the add-appxpackage PowerShell cmdlet. There is no limit to the number of LOB apps you can add for each user....
Dism /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:C:\Test\Apps\MyPackedApp\MainPackage.appxbundle /SkipLicense /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:< PackageName> Removes provisioning for app packages (.appx or .appxbundle) from the image. App packages will not be regis...
On a Windows image that has already been deployed, you should instead use the Add-AppxPackage cmdlet in PowerShell. If you do use the DISM app provisioning commands on a deployed Windows image with active users, you should log all users off of the image, so that you are the only user ...
For offline provisioning of an app into an image, you can use either the Dism.exe tool or the DISM cmdlets in Windows PowerShell to add an app from a folder of unpacked files. To extract the package files Browse to the folder where you saved the app packages that you downloaded from th...