Example 1: Add a package to an online image PowerShell PS C:\>Add-WindowsPackage-Online-PackagePath"c:\packages\package.cab" This command adds a .cab package to an online image. Example 2: Add a file to a mounted image PowerShell ...
Example 1: Add a package to an online image PowerShell PS C:\>Add-WindowsPackage-Online-PackagePath"c:\packages\package.cab" This command adds a .cab package to an online image. Example 2: Add a file to a mounted image PowerShell ...
Specifies the location of the package to add to the image. Valid values are: A single .cab or .msu file. A folder that contains a single expanded .cab file. A folder that contains a single .msu file. A folder that contains multiple .cab or .msu files. ...
Type the following command to add a language pack to the mounted offline image. You can add multiple packages on one command line. Copy Dism /Image:C:\test\offline /ScratchDir:C:\Scratch /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\packages\package1.cab /PackagePath:C:\packages\package2.cab ... Note...
At a command prompt, type the following command to add a specific package to the image. You can add multiple packages on one command line. They will be installed in the order listed in the command line. Dism /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\packages\package1.cab /Pa...
Example 1: Add a package to an online image PowerShell PS C:\>Add-WindowsPackage-Online-PackagePath"c:\packages\package.cab" This command adds a .cab package to an online image. Example 2: Add a file to a mounted image PowerShell ...
Add Multiple Languages for Apps To prepare a multi-lingual image, sign-in to the image, install any desired app resource packs (including language) and then use Copy Profile to capture the image. Preparing a multi-lingual image for an app ...
For an image containing multiple language packs, app resource packages will be added to the image for each language. Once the first user has signed in to the PC with the deployed image and the user has chosen a language during OOBE, the inapplicable resource packages, (language resource packs...
PACKAGE SERVICING options: /Add-Package - Add packages to the image. /Remove-Package - Remove a package from the image. /Cleanup-Image - Perform cleanup and recovery operations on an image. /Enable-Feature - Enable a specific feature in the image. /Disable-Feature - Disable a specific ...
/Add-Package - 向映像中添加程序包。 /Remove-Package - 从映像中删除程序包。 /Enable-Feature - 启用映像中的特定功能。 /Disable-Feature - 禁用映像中的特定功能。 /Get-Packages - 显示有关映像中所有程序包的信息。 /Get-PackageInfo - 显示有关特定程序包的信息。