dstat in action As you can see, it has nicely colored output. The command-line flags include-cfor CPU stats,-dfor disk stats,--disk-utilfor disk utilization and--disk-tpsfor disk transactions (I/O requests) per second. You can read more about dstathere. ATOP atopis particularly good f...
9 Tools to Monitor Linux Disk Partitions and Usage in Linux Conclusion The ‘df‘ command is useful for checking disk space utilization on your Linux system. By running various options such as'-h'for human-readable output or'-T'to display filesystem types, users can obtain detailed information...
PS: 不规范的容器化姿势比较容易出现这个问题,比如Pod一直在产生日志,且使用的是系统盘又不定期回收。 Disk utilization high 磁盘使用率高,一般是已经知道是哪个盘了,但如果不知道,使用iostat -x 1也能较清晰的查看到: $ iostat -x 1 Linux 3.19.0-80-generic 2022年05月12日 _x86_64_ (24 CPU) avg-...
The Linux ecosystem provides you with the df (which stands for disk free) command to find disk space utilization information from the command line. Of course, in the Linux-based GUI operating systems like Ubuntu, you can get the disk space available from the GUI (using the Disk Usage Analyz...
Written inC++,Staceris a free and open-source GUI application that monitors and optimizes your disk space. It provides an intuitive and appealing user interface that gives you a glance at usage statistics of your resources such as RAM, CPU, and disk utilization. In addition, it gives you in...
As we discussed in ourLinux performance monitoring introductionarticle, measuring IO subsystem performance is very important. If someone is complaining that a database (or any application) running on one server (with certain filesystem, or RAID configuration) is running faster than the same database...
There are two popularways to check disk usage in Linux terminal: du command and df command. Thedu command is more for checking the space used by a directoryand the df command gives you the disk utilization on filesystem level. The gdu tool sorts of combined the functionality of both. ...
CapacityReservationUtilization CloudServiceExtensionProfile CloudServiceExtensionProperties CloudServiceListResult CloudServiceNetworkProfile CloudServiceOsProfile CloudServiceProperties CloudServiceRoleListResult CloudServiceRoleProfile CloudServiceRoleProfileProperties CloudServiceRoleProperties CloudServiceRoleSku Clou...
We’ve taught you how to use thedf commandto receive a report on the filesystem disk space use. To read all possible df command options by entering man df on your terminal. To find out the disk space utilization of files and directories, use thedu program....
CapacityReservationUtilization CloudServiceExtensionProfile CloudServiceExtensionProperties CloudServiceListResult CloudServiceNetworkProfile CloudServiceOsProfile CloudServiceProperties CloudServiceRoleListResult CloudServiceRoleProfile CloudServiceRoleProfileProperties CloudServiceRoleProperties ...