The role of fusion for painful lumbardegenerative disk disease and lower back painarthrodesisspondylosisdegenerative diskLow back pain is a very common medical problem with a prevalence of 60% to 80% in the population. It constitutes amajor source of morbidity for the population and results in ...
This is a case report of a patient with bowel, bladder and associated with low back pain. This patient had an essentially normal neurological examination. There was radiological evidence of a disk lesion, and urodynamic findings consistent with lower motor neuron . His symptoms are attributed to...
Herniated disks can occur in any area of the spine, but they are most common in the lower back (the lumbar spine), just above the hips. The pain may spread from the back to the buttocks, thighs, and even your calves. Herniated disks in the neck (the cervical spine) may extend to t...
Lower back(orlumbar)pain is one of the most common sources of discomfort and disability. 下腰部(或腰部)疼痛是感觉不适和无力最常见的根源之一。 Note: The selection sequence is important - the order ...
When the pain started Which part of your spine hurts If it has spread to other parts of your body If you've had past spine injuries If you have a family history of similar problems They'll look at your spine for signs of the condition, like pain in your lower back or neck. They ma...
Theintervertebraldiscs in the neck or lower back can become stiff and rigid, causing pain and other symptoms. 由于年龄的增长,人体颈部和腰部的椎间盘逐渐失去弹性和减震特性而变得僵硬,从而造成颈部和腰部的疼痛及其它症状。
The differential diagnosis of neurologic impairment in the lower extremities of children with low back pain generally includes spinal tumors, vertebral osteomyelitis,1 or epidural abscess formation,6 but not a clinical presentation of diskitis.6,7 Our review of the literature revealed only a few case...
Background Intervertebral disk (IVD) degeneration (IVDD) is the most common cause of lower-back pain and exerts a high burden on global healthcare systems. IVDD is a complex and incompletely understood degenerative pathological process that is related to gene expression, physical stress, cellular ...
[89]. The degradation of theextracellular matrixresults in vascular and neural growth into theintervertebral discthat causes lowerbackpain and the exacerbation ofintervertebral disc degeneration[90]. In 20 patients with intervertebral disc degeneration, IL-38 protein was increased concurrently with TNF ...
The object of the invention is an intervertebral disk prosthesis (1) comprising - an upper plate (2) and a lower plate (3) intended to be fixed on two adjacent vertebral bodies, - a ball joint is interposed between said upper plate and said lower platen in order to ensure the relative ...