1. 确认Docker的当前磁盘镜像位置 首先,你需要知道Docker当前的磁盘镜像位置。这通常可以在Docker Desktop的设置中找到。 2. 停止Docker服务 在修改磁盘镜像位置之前,建议停止Docker服务以避免在修改过程中发生数据损坏或不一致的情况。你可以通过Docker Desktop的托盘图标右键菜单选择“Quit Docker Desktop”来停止服务。 3...
在系统托盘中找到 Docker Desktop 图标,右键单击并选择“Settings”。 在左侧导航栏中选择“Resources”选项卡。 找到“Disk image location”选项,并点击它右侧的“Edit”按钮。 在打开的对话框中输入 D 盘的路径,例如D:\Docker\disk。 点击“Apply & Restart” 按钮保存更改并重启 Docker Desktop。 现在,Docker D...
Docker Desktop默认的文件都存在C盘下,在C盘空间不够的情况下可以通过设置里的Disk image location选项将虚拟磁盘移到东其它盘去; 今天在修改这个选项时,发现无论怎么修改再重新进设置它都又变回去了; image.png 解决方案 检查设置发现是因为Docker引擎用的是Hyper-V,不是WSL2; 将设置中的虚拟机引擎切换为使用WSL2...
BUT you can choose where to install Docker Desktop app (and all its components, ~2.8 GB on Windows). However, you have to install Docker Desktop from thecommand linein this case. The option--installation-dirwill help you 😉
Start Docker Go to 'Settings -> Resources -> Advanced -> Disk Image location' Change location to empty folder of external drive, which is not protected from the read/write See the app hangs as on the screen I provided above Abirdcfly, TomLBZ, ctXen, roozbeh1347, MeowKim, Lingxi-Li, ...
Docker Community Forums Unable to move the disk image location Docker Desktop docker, macos connectyb (Connectyb) March 29, 2024, 3:57am 3 Hi rimelek, I followed the instructions (resizing to smaller size while setting the external drive) and it did work. Thanks for the link. ...
I don’t know the solution, but I tried to change the location now and I got the same result, although I didn’t wait for 40 minutes. My guess was Docker Desktop copied the data slowly so I copied the disk image manually in the automatically created “DockerDesktop” folder but that ...
WithDockerBridgeCidr KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithLoadBalancerProfile KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithNetworkPolicy KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithPodCidr KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinition...
安装kvm虚拟机报错,could not open disk ,imagePermission denied的解决 某次使用virt-install 命令安装虚拟机出现权限错误的报错,想来觉得比较有意思,特此写下,以备遗忘。 [root@centos3 ~]# virt-install --name=centos --memory=8196 --vcpus=2 --location=/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1708.iso --disk...
我正在尝试为CSV中的每一行添加一个"Name“字段。目前,我有一个数组,其中包含我想要写入CSV的所有值。 我要添加的字段 diskimage_name = "name" #Creating the Aarry arr_gpsbe = [r.split(",") for r in [r for r in text.split("{;}")]] #arr_gps.be: values to be written GPS BE: [[...