External hard drive shows “Access is denied” error? You can fix it! In this article, you will find out how to erase this error on Windows 10/11.
VDS_E_ACCESS_DENIED 0x80042427L Access is denied. A VDS operation must run under the Backup Operator or Administrators group account. VDS_E_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED 0x80042428L The media is write-protected. VDS_E_BAD_LABEL 0x80042429L The volume label is not valid. VDS_E_CANT_QUICK_FORMAT...
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 调用方没有足够的访问权限。 ERROR_NOT_READY DiskQuotaControl 对象未初始化。 E_INVALIDARG pdwState 参数不正确。 E_OUTOFMEMORY 内存不足。 E_FAIL 发生意外的文件系统错误。 E_UNEXPECTED 发生意外异常。 要求 展开表 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 Windows XP [仅限桌面应用]...
✅ CHKDSK Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges or the disk may be locked:[IMG]If you see Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges or the disk may be locked error when running the CHKDSK command, then this post...
d-bp67acfmxazb4ph*** Password string 否 重新初始化系统盘时,是否重置 ECS 实例的用户名密码。长度为 8 至 30 个字符,必须同时包含大小写英文字母、数字和特殊符号中的三类字符。特殊符号可以是: ()`~!@#$%^&*-_+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ 其中,Windows 实例不能以斜线号(/)为密码首字符。 说明 如...
VDS_E_ACCESS_DENIED 0x80042427L 访问被拒绝。 VDS_E_BAD_LABEL 0x80042429L 标签无效。 VDS_E_CANT_QUICK_FORMAT 0x8004242AL 无法快速格式化卷。 VDS_E_CLUSTER_COUNT_BEYOND_32BITS 0x80042430L 群集数太大,无法表示为 32 位整数。 VDS_E_CLUSTER_SIZE_TOO_BIG 0x8004242FL 群集大小太...
d-bp1j4l5axzdy6ftk*** Device string 否 磁盘设备名称。 说明 该参数即将被弃用,为提高兼容性,建议您尽量使用其他参数标识磁盘。 testDeviceName DeleteWithInstance boolean 否 释放实例时,该磁盘是否随实例一起释放。取值范围: true:释放。 false:不释放。磁盘会转换成按量付费数据盘而被保留下来。 默认值:fals...
MessageId: DTS_E_DISKIOBUFFEROVERFLOW MessageText: The attempt to write data of %1!d! bytes into the disk I/O failed. The disk I/O buffer has %2!d! free bytes.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: 您提供的 json 对象为空,diskMirror 拒绝了您的访问 The json object you provided is empty, and diskMirror has denied your access error json = null at top.lingyuzhao.diskMirror.core.Adapter.checkJsonObj(Adapter.java:24) at top.li...
Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list. Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items: ...