2) disjoint union of set 不相交并集族3) disjointed set 不相交集4) disjoint difference family 不相交差族 例句>> 5) Disjoint difference sets 不相交差集6) disjoint set 不相交集(合)补充资料:交集 (不同的感情、事物等)同时出现:百感~ㄧ惊喜~ㄧ雷雨~。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿...
classSolution{public:classDisjointSets{public:vector<int>sets;// count is special for this questionintcount;DisjointSets(intnum){count=num;sets=vector<int>(num,-1);}intfind(intchild){if(sets[child]<0)returnchild;returnsets[child]=find(sets[child]);}voidunionTwo(inti,intj){introot1=find(...
void Union(int a ,int b)将a所在集合中的所有同类合并到b的集合中. voidUnion(inta ,intb){// 找得到a和b的对应component identifierintaID = find(a);intbID = find(b);// 如何索引值相等,说明在同一集合中,直接返回if(aID == bID)return;// 否则将b的索引值赋值给a(即将a合并b所在的集合名称下...
Disjoint Sets的意思是一堆集合們,它們相互之間都沒有交集。沒有交集是指:各個集合之間沒有擁有共同、相同的元素。中文稱作「分離集」。 Disjoint Sets的性質相當特殊。資訊學家仔細觀察其特性後,精心設計出一套優雅美觀的資料結構,可以快速的做集合運算。 Union、Find、Split 由於每個Disjoint Sets指的就是集合們都沒...
API of UnionFind(Algorithms) // API of 61b public interface DisjointSets { /** connects two items P and Q */ void connect(int p, int q); /** checks to see if two items are connected */ boolean isConnected(int p, int q); ...
This paper is motivated by the open question whether the union of two disjoint NP-complete sets always is NP-complete. We discover that such unions retain much of the complexity of their single components. More precisely, they are complete with respect to more general reducibilities.Moreover, ...
A union of sets forced to be disjoint by attaching information referring to the original sets to their elements. [..] + Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 不交并 modified union operation that indexes the elements according to which set they originated in wikidata Show algorithmically...
1.To put out of joint; dislocate. 2.To take apart at the joints. 3.To destroy the coherence or connections of. 4.To separate; disjoin. v.intr. 1.To come apart at the joints. 2.To become dislocated. adj.Mathematics Having no elements in common. Used of sets. ...
在下文中一共展示了DisjointSet::unionSets方法的1个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: main ▲点赞 9▼ intmain(){ DisjointSet<int> s;/*