Disjoint Set Unionis one of easiest data structures to implement. We will learn how it works by considering some examples and will see its different implementations. This is my first article on Leetcode, please give feedback or suggestion for any kind of improvement. Lets start with...
在面试中,Disjoint Sets / Union-Find 是一种谈不上流行,但也无能忽视的算法。它所解决的问题是一个集合中,可以分成若干个不同的圈子,我们每次得到的信息只能是知道集合中某两个元素属于一个圈子。我分享的这种写法是几年前上课时教授教的,比我现在网上见到的其他实现方法都更简洁。 一个简单的例子来自Leetcode...
https://leetcode.cn/problems/number-of-provinces/ class UnionFind{public:int find(int x){int root = x;while(father[root] != -1){root = father[root];}while(x != root){int original_father = father[x];father[x] = root;x = original_father;}return root;}bool is_connected(int x,...
首先字面意思是把相互联系的元素通过特定查询组成一个集合。规范化解释:并查集,在一些有N个元素的集合应用问题中,我们通常是在开始时让每个元素构成一个单元素的集合,然后按一定顺序将属于同一组的元素所在的集合合并,其间要反复查找一个元素在哪个集合中。 二、并查集应用场景: 1. 图的连通性,可以用来判断哪些节点是...
Use Disjoint Set / Union Find 1privateclassDisjointSet {2privateMap<String, String> lookup =newHashMap<>();34publicvoidinit(introw,intcol) {5for(inti = 0; i < row; i++) {6for(intj = 0; j < col; j++) {7String key = i + "," +j;8//initially key value is the same, me...
In this article, we will learn about the union-find algorithm, its implementation, advantages disadvantages, and applications in detail. Let us first understand what a disjoint set is. What is the Union-Find Algorithm? The union-find algorithm is a powerful tool in computer science used to ...
题目链接:https://leetcode.com/problems/data-stream-as-disjoint-intervals/Given a data stream input of non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, ..., s List 搜索 时间复杂度 原创 yeqiuzs 2023-07-27 00:01:59 28阅读 深入理解并查集(Disjoint Set Union),并利用其解决相关问题 经典最小生...
my leetcode solutions sqlmathgraphdynamic-programmingimplementationbinary-searchnumber-theorydisjoint-unionsbitmasks UpdatedAug 31, 2024 C++ disjoint set - union / find disjoint-setdisjoint-setsunion-finddisjoint-unions UpdatedJan 22, 2019 Go Improve this page ...
1. 并查集 并查集是一种树型的数据结构 用于处理一些不相交集合(Disjoint Sets)的合并及查询问题 2. 操作 2.1 初始化 把每个点所在集合初始化为其自身,时间复杂度均为O(N),可用数组,哈希表等结构来实现 代码语言:javascript 复制 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)father[i]=i; ...
}boolUnion(intidx1,intidx2){intr1=Find(idx1),r2=Find(idx2);if(r1==r2)returntrue;if(rank[r1]>rank[r2])swap(r1,r2); rank[r2]+=rank[r1]; parent[r1]=r2; cnt--;returnfalse; }intgetCount(){returncnt; } }; 例题: 力扣990 等式方程的可满足性https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/...