參考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure 評價這篇文章 提交評分 平均評分4.79/5。票數:177 提交反饋 謝謝閱讀。 請使用我們的在線編譯器使用 C、C++、Java、Python、JavaScript、C#、PHP 和許多更流行的編程語言在評論中發布代碼。
Use "Disjoin-set".But I use "HashSet" and "HashMap" of Java API.Does "Disjoin-set" have its own data structure? see also [url]http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~u91029/DisjointSets.html[/url] */ private final int SIZE=7; private int[] father;//the root in disjion set. private ...
I said that we can improve the time for the Union(u,v) to be O(1) by making the representation pointer of each member pointing a locator that contains the pointer to the real representation of the set. In Java, the data structure would look like this : class DisjointSet { LinkedList...
Java uses JGraphT's DFS traversal, Disjoint-set data structure and other data structures to find the connectivity of the graph
This Java code prints 3 and 4. C++ Disjoint Set / Union Find Algorithm Implementation Similar, here is the C++ implementation of the Disjoint Set data structure. The union is a keyword in C++ and therefore we implement Union method instead: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16...
The disjoint set data structure can be used to keep track of the sizes of all the connected components. Just use union by size instead of rank, make a set for each vertex, and union sets adjacent to each edge. As mentioned in comments, In your approach, you used two nested loops to ...
This data structure is used to solve "Dynamic Connectivity" problem. 1. Applications ・Pixels in a digital photo. ・Computers in a network. ・Friends in a social network. ・Transistors in a computer chip. ・Elements in a mathematical set. ...
unionSet(x, y):把元素 x 和元素 y 所在的集合合并,要求 x 和 y 所在的集合不相交,如果相交则不合并。 find(x):找到元素 x 所在的集合的代表,该操作也可以用于判断两个元素是否位于同一个集合,只要将它们各自的代表比较一下就可以了。 并查集的实现原理也比较简单,就是使用树来表示集合,树的每个节点就表...
Disjoint setis an important mathematical concept which is an abstract data structure too.Disjoint setsmean a collection of elements without any specific order. To implement disjoint set ADT, an array is enough also. ADT set is an auxiliary data structure used to solve many algorithmic problems bas...
Union means we bring both elements under same set which is as simple assigning X as parent of Y parent[Y]=X C++ Implementation: #include <bits/stdc++.h>usingnamespacestd;//FIND(X)intfind(intX, vector<int>&parent) {if(parent[X]==X)returnX;returnfind(parent[X], p...