Dishonored 2 Game The Imperial Assassins Pack $59.99 Ratings Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ Global player ratings 4.54Average rating 4.54 stars out of five stars from 4383 ratings 4383 ratings 5% 2% 4% Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's mos...
1名玩家 支援遙控遊玩 PS4版本 PS4 Pro Enhanced DUALSHOCK 4震動功能 分級 Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ (中英文版) 全球玩家的評分 4379個評分 74% 15% 5% 2% 4% 遊戲和法律資訊 扮演曾是丹沃爾最惡名昭彰的職業殺手之一的比莉・羅克(又名梅根・佛斯特),與年邁恩師暨傳奇刺客多德再次聚首...
名称:耻辱:界外魔之死,Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™价格:epic周赠语言:支持繁中最低配置:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bit version)处理器: Intel i5-2400 (4 core)/AMD FX-8320 (8 core)内存: 8 GB RAM显卡: NVidia GTX 660
扮演比莉‧勒克(亦称梅根‧福斯特),她曾是丹沃尔最恶名昭彰的职业杀.手之一。与曾经的导师,也就是大名鼎鼎的刺客多德重聚,完成一场最惊人的暗杀行动:干掉界外魔。比莉和多德认为这个神一般的人物,正是帝国多%耻辱:界外魔之死/Dishonored®: Death of the Outs
耻辱:界外魔之死 Dishonored: Death of the Outsider豆瓣评分:8.6 简介:《羞辱:局外人之死》仍由屡获殊荣的Arkane Studios开发,玩家将扮演恶名昭彰的刺客Billie Lurk,在资料片中她将会和导师Daud联手,以完成一场终极难度的刺杀任务——杀死局外人。
Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ Deluxe Bundle ₪280.00+ משחקים כלוליםDishonored®: Death of the Outsider™Dishonored 2 הרחבות כלולותDishonored 2: Imperial Assassin's Pack עבור אל המ...
《Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider》由屡获殊荣的游戏开发商Arkane® Studios推出,这是好评游戏系列《Dishonored®》的首款独立冒险游戏。化身强大的超能力刺客,扮演恶名昭彰的比莉‧勒克,与恩师多德重聚,完成一场最惊人的暗杀行动。...
• Dishonored® 2 Base Game • Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ • The Imperial Assassins Pack From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™, the first standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be...
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Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ 隨附 返回頂端 The Arkane Collection HK$1,399.00+ 包含的遊戲DEATHLOOPDishonored 2Dishonored® Definitive EditionDishonored®: Death of the Outsider™PreyRedfallPrey: Typhon Hunter 包含附加元件Prey®: Mooncrash (Add-On)DEATHLOOP Deluxe Pack 移至遊戲已...