Dish Network and applications provider Ensequence said that a mosaic showing six channels of NBC Universal coverage of Olympic events from August 8 to 14, 2008 to more than 12 million of Dish's 13.8 million subscribers will be offered by them. DirecTV will carry an NBC Olympics guide to ...
NBC Universal, DISH Network Team to Deliver Dynamic Interactive and HD 2006 Olympic Winter Games Coverage; Multiple Channels on One Screen Let Viewers Quickly Select the NBC Universal Channel They Want to Watch ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 6, 2006-- NBC Network Olympic Broadcast Avai...
CBC Serving Up Live Olympic Coverage as a Big Dish SpecialLeonard Shapiro
DIRECTV app: TheDIRECTV appallows you to instantly stream shows from your HD-DVR playlist on your laptop, tablet, or cell phone within your home Wi-Fi network. DISH Anywhere app: TheDISH Anywhere appcan be installed on any mobile, tablet, or compatible network device, and stream your reco...
Does DISH Network have the Olympic Channel? Yes! DISH offers the Olympic Channel as part of its America’s Top 200, America’s Top 250 and America’s Everything Packages. The Olympic Channel profiles athletes, coaches and others on their journeys to the Olympics and beyond. ...
NBC Universal, DISH Network Team to Deliver Dynamic Interactive and HD 2006 Olympic Winter Games Coverage; Multiple Channels on One Screen Let Viewers Quickly Select the NBC Universal Channel They Want to Watch ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 6, 2006-- NBC Network Olympic Broadcast Avai...
DISH Network Corporation (Nasdaq: DISH), the nation's third largest pay-TV provider and the digital transition leader, today announced that NBC Universal's coverage of the 2008 Beijing Olympic... Sep 25, 2008 DISH Network and Sony Pictures Television Reach Agreement to Offer Video On Demand Ex...
DISH Network Subscribers Gain Access to Unprecedented Coverage Including More Than 835 Hours of Olympic Content DISH Network L.L.C., the fastest-growing pay-TV provider in America, has partnered with NBC Universal (NBCU) to deliver viewers a fully interactive experience during NBCU's coverage of...