Medical Legal Wikipedia Related to disenfranchised:Disenfranchised grief dis·en·fran·chise (dĭs′ĕn-frăn′chīz′) tr.v.dis·en·fran·chised,dis·en·fran·chis·ing,dis·en·fran·chis·es To disfranchise. dis′en·fran′chise′ment(-chīz′mənt, -chĭz-)n. ...
Now, what is interesting about this definition is that it allows for much variability. Disenfranchised grief is not black-or-white, rather it is a relative and subjective experience. You and I may experience the same loss and in your social situation, among your friends and your community, th...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical. Related to disenfranchisedly: Disenfranchised griefdis·en·fran·chise (dĭs′ĕn-frăn′chīz′) tr.v. dis·en·fran·chised, dis·en·fran·chis·ing, dis·en·fran·chis·es To disfranchise. dis′en·fran′chise′ment (-chīz′mənt, -...
Volsche, S. Pet Parents and the Loss of Attachment. InPet Loss, Grief, and Therapeutic Interventions; Routledge: London, UK, 2019; ISBN 978-0-429-50520-1. [Google Scholar] Volsche, S. Negotiated Bonds: The Practice of Childfree Pet Parenting.Anthrozoös2018,31, 367–377. [Google Schol...