Silent or mild disease is common in patients with celiac disease, who may still possess bone disease related to the condition. The skeletal sites most often measured are the lumbar spine or total body. For total body imaging it is generally considered that the skull should be excluded from ...
The single intranuclear inclusion is comprised of viral nucleoprotein and assembled capsids, and is a large (up to 20 microns), round-to-ovoid body with a smoothly contoured border that is generally surrounded by a clear halo that gives the inclusion a distinctive “owl's eye” appearance. ...
The infection can be transmitted from contact with the ulcer that teems with spirochetes. If the ulcer is outside of the vagina or on the male's scrotum, condoms may not prevent transmission of the infection by contact. Similarly, if the ulcer is in the mouth, merely kissing the infected...
A classic model of infectious disease causation, the epidemiological triad (Snieszko, 1974), envisions that an infectious disease results from a combination of agent (pathogen), host, and environmental factors (Figure 1). Infectious agents may be living parasites (helminths or protozoa), fungi, ...
Before you begin Declaration of interest All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid...
S. endobioticum produces summer sporangia with mobile zoospores that can move in the soil. Winter (resting) sporangia are the dormant structures by which the fungus disperses to establish new infections. They can survive more than 40 years without plant hosts. The pathogen does not produce ...
To begin to test the role of endogenous androgens in MS, the EAE model was used. Since EAE in the SJL strain of mice had previously been characterized to have a gender difference that paralleled that of MS, with males being less susceptible to disease than females [61,62], the SJL strai...
Most of the studies have involved organisms that infect macrophages, and this discussion will attempt to highlight these findings. Perhaps the most work has been performed with protozoan pathogens, including Trypanosoma cruzi and a variety of Leishmania species, so the discussion will begin with ...
Tentativediagnoses sometimes begin with patients, who notice abnormal changes in their bodies. These changes are called symptoms. Two obvious and disturbing symptoms which usually lead patients to consult a physician promptly are severe bleeding (hemorrhaging) and pain. A pain that is bearable but per...
Although naturally occurring Helicobacter species have not been isolated from guinea pigs, experimental infection with H. pylori results in severe gastritis that can persist for at least 5 months, making this a good small animal model for H. pylori in humans (Shomer et al., 1998; Sjunnesson ...