there was a shift to chronic diseases such as heart and lung diseases. The increase in many of these came not only from the fact that fewer people were dying from infectious disease and were living longer but also from the results of modern lifestyles in developed countries and among the upp...
Clinical lesson: old diseases may affect older patientsdoi:10.1016/j.jinf.2009.10.016JakeDunningandMichaelRaymentandSimonDaviesandMarkSDOSJournal of Infection
In 2024, studies using more advanced methods to calculate the minimal important change have described how different methods and timings of estimating minimal important changes can affect the estimates. Ewa M. Roos News & Views02 Jan 2025 Nature Reviews Rheumatology Volume: 21, P: 75-76 All ...
In China, rare diseases affect over 20 million people, with the impact of these conditions highlighted through Rare Disease Day and the story of a young girl in Shenzhen with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. High treatment costs...
Children who present with warts at birth or in the first two years are most likely to have acquired infection through vertical transmission, However, perinatal acquisition of HPV can also occur and the Finnish family studies show this is often a different HPV type from that found in either ...
The literature points out that the social roles of men and women can affect not only the prevention of cardiovascular risk factors, but also the outcome of diseases25,26. Women tend to have more depression and less freedom to go outside due to family care responsibility, less financial ...
Brucellosis is a bacterial infection that can affect goats and other livestock such as sheep and cows and wild ruminants such as deer, elk and bison. Brucellosis causes abortion or stillbirth in animals. Brucellosis is one of the widest spread zoonosis transmitted by animals and in endemic areas...
reported that intellectual disability (ID) was inversely associated with body mass index, but not with hypertension by controlling for age and sex (3). This means that association between ASD with ID and hypertension may not be strongly associated.References1. Dhanasekara CS, Ancona D, Cortes ...
(ETC). A series of electron transporters (complexes I–IV) embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane that transport electrons from NADH and FADH2 to O2, in which O2 is reduced to water. In parallel, a proton efflux is driven from the mitochondrial matrix towards the intermembrane space via...
(Supplementary Fig.1). First, diseases may directly influence childlessness through medical conditions that affect the fecundity, co-morbidities and mortality of the individual, as well as the risk of stillbirth22. Second, diseases can impact selection into a partnership, which in turn lowers the ...