For example, varicella zoster virus, the agent causing chicken pox, may reactivate many years after a primary infection to cause shingles. From a public health standpoint, latent infections are significant in that they represent silent reservoirs of infectious agent for future transmission. Determinants...
Since thebonethat separates the orbit from thenoseand the nasalsinusesis rather thin,infectionsometimes spreads from the nasal sinuses into the orbit, causing the orbital tissue toswelland the eye to protrude. This condition, called orbitalcellulitis, is serious because of the possibility that the ...
Shingles This painful viral infection is caused by herpes zoster, the virus that causes chickenpox. After infection with chickenpox, the virus “hides” in the nervous system in a latent or dormant state. Exposure to chickenpox or other stressors may cause a reactivation of the virus, resulting...
Chicken pox is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV) which is also responsible in causing herpes zoster or shingles. It is transmitted by inhaling aerosol droplets from infected patient. Symptoms include small itchy blister that spreads over chest, back, and then spreads through face, resulting ...
to certain things. Cocaine doesn't effect me( long time ago), I guess everyone's system is immune to certain things. But back then I had all the childhood diseases that they vaccinate for today. mumps, measles, etc.. I need to get a shingles vaccination, but with insurance it's $...
The Truth About Black Hairy Tongue: One Scary Health Condition You Really Don't Want Ingrown Hair: Causes And Treatment Antibiotics For The Elderly: Dangerous Drug Interactions When Red Bumps Are Shingles View more Related Topics Red spots on glans, and burning sensation Effects of tetrac...
The findings of a recent study coordinated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local departments of health in southern Texas highlight the risk for localized outbreaks of Dengue fever in the region and other areas of the United States with similar climatic and environmental...
As adults, being exposed to natural disease from infected children boosts immunity and protects the adults from developing shingles. Therefore it is likely that the number of cases of shingles would rise if children were routinely vaccinated. Other countries, including the USA and Australia, disagree...
PMID: 20089954 Article Published Date : Feb 04, 2010 Study Type : Human Study Additional Links Diseases : ALT: Elevated, Herpes family viruses, Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, Hypertension, Multiple Sclerosis, Shingles, Skin Cancer, Varicella Problem Substances : Fingolimod [+] Fingolimod treatment is...
Variclla zoster virus (VZV), is a human alpha-herpesvirus closely related to HSV. Primary infection causes varicella (chickenpox), and reactivation of latent virus causes herpes zoster (shingles). VZV is ubiquitous in human populations around the world, and humans are the only known host. During...