Dogwood Anthracnose Downy Mildew of Viburnum Dutch Elm Disease Entomosporium Leaf Spot False Smut Fire Blight Ganoderma on Palms Oak Wilt Pine Wilt Disease Powdery Mildew Rhizosphaera Needle Cast Sycamore Anthracnose Always refer to product label for rates and approved uses. Some images courtesy of fo...
Dogwood Tree Diseases & Pests There are several damaging diseases and pests that affect dogwood trees. Some of the most common are: Dogwood Anthracnose– This serious disease is difficult to control. Dogwood anthracnose causes stem cankers and large, purple-bordered leaf spots. Tan splotches may d...
Anthracnosediseases of hardwood treesare widespread throughout the eastern United States. The most common symptom of this group of diseases is dead areas or blotches on the leaves. The diseases are particularly severe on American sycamore, the white oak group, black walnut, and dogwood. The greate...
Anthracnose Tree FungusAnthracnose is a fungal disease that occurs in Utah on ash, dogwood, maple, oak, and sycamore trees. The fungus causes brown and tan lesions on leaves—usually along the main veins. As the disease worsens, the lesions grow to take up large portions of the leaves....
tree. Most often it is a lower-level disease that picks away at a particular type of tree, like the Verticillium Wilt that is spreading through maple trees these days. Other diseases look dramatic but do very little harm. So for gardeners, it helps to have some knowledge of diseases, to...
An objectionable mottling of the leaves was noted on the flowering dogwood treated with SunSpray Ultra Fine Oil. Control of these diseases with the synthetic or biorational fungicides did not result in an increase in tree height or trunk diameter. While the biorational fungicides d...
Want an expert opinion on your maple? Contact us for more information on pruning or any of our other maple tree care services. Other Common Tree Varieties in the US Apple Trees Ash Trees Birch Trees Common Persimmon Trees Dogwood Trees ...
15 parts of pangolin scales, 15 to 20 parts of wine processed polygonum multiflorum, 15 to 20 parts of wine processed dogwood flesh, 10 to 15 parts of red-rooted salvia root, 10 to 15 parts of kudzuvine root, 3 to 8 parts of Chinese caterpillar fungus, and 5 to 12 parts of saffron...
dogwood, Anemarrhena, Cork, Semen, Bozi, Maodongqing Sunburn Polygalaceae, Shichangpu, Albizia, Achyranthes, polyphylla, jujube, Alisma, Cynomorium, mulberry real son, leeches, Digupi, earthworm dry, fungus, soil Fuling, magnet powder, leaflets prepared by loosestrife, have a good effect on the...
Crabapple (Malus Sugar Tyme), apple (Malus pumila), maple (Acer rubrum), birch (Betula nigra), London planetree (Platanus 脳 acerifolia Bloodgood), dogwood (Cornus florida), peach (Prunus persica), blueberry (Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus), and raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) were used as the ...