《病理学》7 Diseases of the Digestive System-英文教学课件(非AI生成).pptx,Diseases of the Digestive System ; Gastritis Peptic ulcers Carcinomas of the alimentary tract Viral hepatitis Liver cirrhosis Common non-viral liver diseases Primary carcinomas o
碎片状坏死DiseasesoftheDigestiveSyst30DiseasesoftheDigestiveSystem⑶ 桥接坏死DiseasesoftheDigestiveSyst31界板的坏死和桥接坏死界板的坏死和桥接坏死32(二)炎细胞浸润汇管区及小叶内程度不等的炎细胞浸润,淋巴细胞、单核细胞为主,少量中性粒细胞、浆细胞。(二)炎细胞浸润汇管区及小叶内程度不等的炎细胞浸润,33(三...
1、Diseases of the Digestive System,Department of Pathology 朱荣 Office:Bldg.1 East, Rom.207 E-mail: ,Gastritis Peptic ulcers Carcinomas of the alimentary tract Viral hepatitis Liver cirrhosis Primary carcinomas of the liver,Overview Concern the following diseases,Digestive System,Alimentary Tract,...
消化系统疾病DiseasesofDigestiveSystem 小儿腹泻病 InfantileDiarrheaDisease 概念Concept 由多病原、多因素引起的以便次增多和大便性状改变为特点的儿科常见病。流行病学Epidemiology 1.6个月~2岁发病高峰,尤其1岁以下小儿多发。我国发病率仅次于呼吸道感染。2.七省市调查(1986~1988):农村小儿急性腹泻2.01±0.03次/...
It’susedtomonitorthehealthofpopulations–largeandsmall; toplanhowservicesaredeliveredandresourcesareallocated;to helpdiagnosediseasesanddetectchangingdiseasepatterns. 这个编码有着漫长和曲折的旅程。它从一个医院或诊所中的一个 人开始,但它并不在此结束。而是与城市、区域、国家数据库中的其 ...
Lactose Intolerance Lactose intolerance, is the ___ to digest ___, a sugar found in milk and milk-derived dairy products. Lactose intolerant individuals have insufficient levels of an ___ in their digestive system. In most cases this causes symptoms which may include abdominal bloating and ...
Nerve cells die w/o O2 supply. ATHEROSCLEROSIS A condition where fatty material builds up on the inner walls of arteries & blocks the flow of blood. Nerve cells die w/o O2 supply. CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like material that is found in all parts of the body. ...
(thyroid, liver, bile ducts, central nervous system), (see below). Some lesions (skull and mandible osteomas, dental abnormalities, fibromas on the scalp, shoulders, arms, and back) are indicative of the Gardner variant of FAP. Today the condition should rarely present as a colonic or even...
★Draw and label a diagram of the digestive system. 6.1 Digestion ★Outline the function of the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. ★Distinguish between absorption and assimilation. ★Explain how the structure of the villus is related to its role in absorption and transport of the ...
13、es of transmission respiratory tract transmission digestive tract transmission contact transmission insect transmission Blood and humoral transmission susceptiblility Vertical transmission Horizontal transmission Congenital infection Other factors of influence on ommunicable diseases Natural factors 14、 Social fa...