外科学:Liver diseases肝脏疾病.ppt,* Hepatic adenoma At the upper right is a well-circumscribed neoplasm that is arising in liver. This is an hepatic adenoma. The cut surface of the liver reveals the hepatic adenoma. Note how well circumscribed it is. Th
withintheoralcavity(tonsillarcryptsandcariousteeth),alimentarytract&vagina TheyarenotfoundintheenvironmentTheyarenotfoundintheenvironment Actinomycetesinvadeinvadethetissueonlywhenitisdevitalizeddevitalizedbytrauma(DentalSurgery)orbacterialinfections Actinomycoticlesionsoftencontainotherbacteria Allinfectionsarederived...
文档标题《Chapter 9 Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases》,总页数为124页,主要介绍了与Chapter 9 Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases相关的资料,希望对大家有用,欢迎大家浏览! 文档格式: .ppt 文档大小: 2.16M 文档页数: 124页 顶/踩数:
1、Eye and Corneal Diseases Function of the Eye One of the five senses in the body to get information from the outside world: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching Eye gathers and transforms light into picture Eyeball is comparable to camera to produce image lPupil Aperture lLensLens ...
Theseincludes:•Pemphigus•Pemphigoid•DermatitisHerpetiformis(DH)•Chronicdermatosesofchildhood(linearIgA dis.)PEMPHIGUS •isderivedfromtheGreekwordpemphixmeaningbubbleorblister.•Aserious,acuteorchronic,bullousautoimmunediseaseofskinandmucousmembranesbasedonacantholysis.•Itisasevereandpotentiallylife...
Murine models have been predominantly used to study Pg pathogenicity, either in the oral cavity12 or system- ically13,14. However, these models are expensive and provide limited data on molecular mechanism, so recently other in vivo systems have been developed using lower order organisms. ...
2. drug treatment (group NSAID): oral administration mainly; gastrointestinal reaction is heavy, long-term use of renal interstitial damage. Slow acting antirheumatic drugs: use with NSAID as soon as possible. MTX commonly used drugs, sulfasalazine, preparation, penicillamine, cyclophosphamide, ...
of the total number of living cells in human bodies. In comparison, the microbiota represents the remaining 90% of the cells. Similarly, only 1% of the total unique genes in our bodies have a human origin, and the remaining 99% belong to the gut and the oral cavity’s microbiota. ...
of the sample to “Copenhagen water,” an artificial seawater manufactured to serve as a world “standard” or more recently in practical salinity units (psu) as the conductivity ratio of a seawater sample to a standard KCl solution. Full strength seawater is considered 35 ppt, or 35 g of ...
of the total number of living cells in human bodies. In comparison, the microbiota represents the remaining 90% of the cells. Similarly, only 1% of the total unique genes in our bodies have a human origin, and the remaining 99% belong to the gut and the oral cavity’s microbiota. ...