根据英文的一般写作常识,这三种疾病与其病理机制的排列先后顺序应该相同,否则就会引起误解。由此我们可以根据排列顺序的对应关系判断出“pernicious anemia”是由“vitamin deficiency”引起的。所以选项D正确。 知识模块:阅读反馈 收藏
Well, a Vitamin D deficiency could be the reason for several serious diseases. You see, Vitamin D plays an important role in your health. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for good bone health. It helps both the immune system and nervous system function properly. And ...
Inadequate intake of specific vitamins can result in a characteristic deficiency disease (hypovitaminosis), and the severity depends upon the degree of vitamin deprivation. Symptoms may be specific (e.g., functional night blindness with vitamin A deficiency), nonspecific (e.g., loss of appetite,...
Reid IR. What diseases are causally linked to vitamin D deficiency? Arch Dis Child 2015; 0: 1-5.Reid IR. What diseases are causally linked to vitamin D deficiency? Arch Dis Child. 2016; 101: 185-189.Reid IR. What diseases are causally linked to vitamin D deficiency? Arch Dis Child ...
Noun1.deficiency disease- any disease caused by a lack of an essential nutrient (as a vitamin or mineral) malnutrition- a state of poor nutrition; can result from insufficient or excessive or unbalanced diet or from inability to absorb foods ...
Vitamin A is important for maintaining healthy and good eyesight. It helps in fighting against infections and protects us from different types of eye disorders.
Vitamin D deficiency as a predictor of poor prognosis in patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 Hypovitaminosis D is a highly spread condition correlated with increased risk of respiratory tract infections. Nowadays, the world is in the grip of the Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID...
The author reflects on the association between Vitamin D deficiency and rheumatic diseases. He talks about a study which suggests a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency among psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients. He ...
病人,男,20岁。- -天前因冒雨受寒,出现头痛,肢体酸楚,鼻塞声重,咳嗽流涕,痰液稀薄,恶寒发热,无汗。检查:体温38.8°C,两肺呼吸音粗,未闻及.干、湿性哕音。化验:白细胞15.0×109/L。舌质红苔薄白,脉象浮紧。该案例的感冒类型是
Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age-related diseases: a novel hypothesis Ageing can occur at different rates, but what controls this variable rate is unknown. Here I have developed a hypothesis that vitamin D may act to control ... MJ Berridge - 《Journal of Physiology》 被引量:...