Common diseases spread by cockroaches TheWorld Health Organizationstated that ““Cockroaches are not usually the most important cause of a disease, but like houseflies, they play a supplementary role in the spread of some diseases” and we will be looking at the most common diseases spread by c...
For businesses operating within the food industry, complying with the proper food safety regulations in regards to cleaning can help reduce the risk of diseases carried by cockroaches being spread. Hand hygiene Washing your hands on a regular basis can assist in reducing the risk of cockroach-borne...
Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, and several viral diseases) are transmitted by non-mosquito arthropods (tsetse flies (Glossina sp.), sand flies (Phlebotominae), black flies (Simulidae), houseflies, fleas, lice, cockroaches, and Triatomine bugs...
Houseflies were the most abundant 62 (48.1%), followed by Cockroaches 38 (29.5%), adult mosquitoes 26 (20.2%), rodents 2 (1.6%) and scorpion 1 (0.8%). The result shows the relative abundance of the vectors of parasitic diseases such as bacterial, protozoal and viral infections in ...
Some insects such as Earwigs Silverfish, Cockroaches, Praying Mantids, Dragonflies, Termites, Locust, Dwarf bee (Apis florea) and the sting less bees were also reported as a pest of honeybees The major mammalian pests that found in Sudan were Man (honey hunters), Livestock (Cattle and ...
By the time your air conditioner or refrigerator needs recharging, you have been exposed for a long time. We desperately need an inexpensive, in-home test for this unsuspected killer. Arsenic is used in pesticide. Why would we poison our- selves along with the cockroaches? Is it because we...
Higher exposure rates to cockroaches and dust mites also correlated with asthma severity. There are three stages of asthma severity: During early stage, hypoxia causes increased minute ventilation, a fall in PCO2 and normal or elevated pH (respiratory alkalosis). Moderate asthma is associated with ...
The emergence of the OXA-48 enzyme is mediated by the rapid spread of a broad host-range conjugative plasmid harboring theblaOXA-48 gene located within a composite transposon, namelyTn1999, that flanks the carbapenemase gene and cooperates in mobilizing an intervening DNA segment [40,41]. Sequenc...
been identified are for dust mites (Der p1, Der f1), for cats (Fel d 1), for dogs (Can f 1), for cockroaches (Bla g 1 and 2) [59], and for mold (Cladosporium,PenicilliumandAspergillus) [60]. Almost all of these respiratory allergens have been characterized by dynamic markers ...
The in-silico method was used in this study to identify potential IgE-mediated allergens in date palms and cockroaches [20]. Therefore, epitope identification and characterization were performed to give future researchers a platform to develop potential vaccines against allergies caused by the allergens...