Zeng RS. Disease resistance in plants through mycor- rhizal fungi induced allelochemicals. In: Inderjit KG, Mukerji, editors. Allelochemicals: biological control of plant pathogens and diseases. Dordrecht, The Nether- lands: Springer; 2006. p. 181--92....
Diseases that are caused by fungi are called what? What fungi can cause human diseases? What skin diseases are caused by fungi? What is a plant virus? What is multipartite plant virus? What is disease incidence in plant pathology? What plants cause contact dermatitis?
It comprises 12 chapters, dealing, respectively, with fungi, their morphology and reproduction; metabolic processes in fungi; diseases caused by fungi; methods of studying plan...关键词:bacterial diseases classification crops disease control economics morphology mycology plant disease control plant diseases...
And some fungi are pathogens, causing disease in plants and animals, including humans. Throughout human history, fungal diseases have been pretty rare. Those that do arise tend to be only skin deep (think athlete’s foot or ringworm). Our complex immune systems and our hot bodies — most f...
Fungi are also known as decomposers because they decompose organic waste into organic waste.Answer and Explanation: Ustilago maydis is a fungus that is known to cause disease in the plant. The disease caused by this fungus is referred to as corn smut. This fungus......
摘要: Fungi are eukaryotic, carbon-heterotrophic microorganisms most of which are living saprophytically by degrading dead organic material. However, a small minority of them have acquired the capability to关键词:Fungi Plants Virulence Plant Diseases ...
1.(Botany) of, derived from, or caused by a fungus or fungi:fungal spores;a fungal disease. 2.(Pathology) of, derived from, or caused by a fungus or fungi:fungal spores;a fungal disease. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
In subject area:Food Science Foodborne disease (food poisoning) has been defined by the World Health Organization as “a disease of infectious or toxic nature, caused by, or thought to be caused by, the consumption of food and water.” ...
Plant damage caused by insects,humans,or other animals is not usually included in the study of plant pathology. Plant pathology is the study of the organisms and of the environmental factors that cause disease in plants; of the mechanisms by which these factors induce disease in plants;and of...
plants. The availability of improved magnifying lenses and of microscopes made possible the detection and description of many fungi, nematodes, and, later, bacteria associated with diseased plants. Development and introduction of techniques for growing microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) in pure culture...