Rhetorical Analysis of Engagement in Discussion Section of Doctoral Dissertations Written by Kurdish Native Speakersdoi:10.24086/cuejhss.vol8n1y2024.pp72-76ACADEMIC dissertationsDOCTORAL degreeACADEMIC discourseNATIVE languageAPPLIED linguisticsAcademic writing is commonly rega...
These are incredibly dense operations, like scene analysis, which might sound simple, but Apple has developed an entire ecosystem called Apple Neural Scene Analyzer or ANSA. This is the backbone of many features like the Photo app's Memories, where images are tagged, aesthetics are evaluated, de...
While significant work has been done in the literary digital humanities to advance the study of texts through topic modeling, this article argues that the emphasis on the textuality of topoi in computational research neglects situated rhetorical actions and the dynamics of audience interaction. In ...