expected result c.reference to previous research d.exemplification—provide examples of result e.deduction or claim f.support from previous research g.recommendation h.justification for further research 10 Sample Analysis of a Masters Thesis Discussion of Results Introduction to Disussion of Results This...
"Comparing our findings with those of previous studies, it becomes evident that..." "将我们的发现与先前研究进行比较,很明显..." 2. 指出不同之处: "While our results align with certain aspects of [Author et al., Year], discrepancies arise in terms of..." "虽然我们的结果与[作者等,年份...
The first section begins by characterizing the family businesses in the sample and then, in the following sections, it analyzes the results obtained from the Exploratory Factor Analysis and the Multiple Linear Regression Models, assessing whether or not the research hypotheses determined in Chapter 4 ...
科学文章通常应遵循 假设(Introduction)—观察(Results)—解释(Discussion) 的逻辑顺序。具体原则如下: 1、引言部分(Introduction) 先明确你的研究假设或目标,表述方式通常使用:“The aims of this study were…(这项研究的目的是……)”或“In the current study, we sought to determine…(在当前的研究中,我们试...
earch Paper 6-29-15 In-Class Discussion over Sample Research Paper 6-29-15In-Class Discussion over Sample Research Paper 6-29-15adam webb
of this study is the relatively small sample size which may limit the generalizability of our findings. Additionally, the study was conducted in a single setting which might not reflect the broader population. Future research should include larger and more diverse samples to validate these results....
One limitation of this study is... Future research could focus on... One limitation of this study is the relatively small sample size, which may limit the generalizability of the results. While this study provides valuable insights, it is limited by its cross-sectional design, which precludes...
These results should be taken into account when considering how to The data contributes a clearer understanding of While previous research has focused on X, these results demonstrate that Y Limitations (局限性) 任何研究都会有局限性,承认这些局限性对于证明你的研究的可信度(Credibility)是有很大帮助的。
1.Asshowninthefollowingtable,thesubheadingforthe lastpartofaresearchpapermightbelabeledinoneof theseways.Whichisthemostcommonpatterninyour researchfield?Doyouknowanyothers? PresentationPatternofConclusionsPresentationPatternofConclusions Task1 Task1 ResultsandDiscussion(combined) ...
of the fuel used and the change in the temperature of the water. The heating value (HV) of aspecific type of fuel helps us measure and describe the energy that is produced by a given type offuel. The bomb calorimeter is a device that burns a fuel sample and transfers the heat into...