CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has been regarded as a new line in the software industry. What exactly is the definition of it? The industry highly values the formulation of Gartner, which is now plated into the following: This is a business strategy, which is used to organize enterpris...
Deep learning frameworksTensorflowPytorchTheanoLDA topic modelDeep learning has gained tremendous traction from the developer and researcher communities. It plays an increasingly significant role in a number of application domains. Deep learning frameworks are proposed to help developers and researchers easily...
I can import data using ExtAPI.Application.ImportMesh('./drop.k') on Windows, but it doesn't work on Linux. What should I do? Answered PyMechanical LS DYNA Started byxswpp Most recent byxswpp Structures 6 9:40 am 2 Where can I get the data of the materials I need to use?
Choosing a right software is very critical for business, one is investment another is time. How to choose a right GTM software for your organisation, what are the criteria’s need to consider to decide a software, why we need to implement a GTM software, whether we need to implement on-p...
What is the advantage of analysis dashboards? Give an example of application dashboards. Briefly describe the in-memory structures that may be used to implement a file system. Briefly describe the different levels of RAID with their key features. Describe some typical pairs...
I was an editor for 10 years before joing the software game and the placement of buttons is cemented in my brain. I too didn't like the workspaces in the dropdown menu at first. But I have been using it now for a few months (yes I still edit constantly) and I've found t...
“Our parents and caregivers should be able to look at our budgeting documents and understand what is going on,” she said. “It’s so important that we educate the public on how this works and improve the process.” Transparency was also a concern ...
“It is difficult to say at this point in time what kinds of opportunities may surface throughout this strategic review process, but we intend to keep you updated, where possible, as we progress through this exercise,” he said then. ...
The validation path is now the following: If a new doc body is > max_document_size, we throw an error. If a new attachment is > max_attachment_size, we throw an error. If the new doc body plus new and/or existing attachments is > max_http_request_size, we throw an error. Notes...
2. WHAT BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES DOES YOUR TEAM SEE IN USING A FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE LIKE SCALA? ESENTIRE TIM STEINBACH, SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER The entry barrier into functional programming as a whole is still surprisingly high. Most developers have had very limited exposure to proper functional pro...