The fish arrived and are doing well. They are in 125 with some other small discus. I do not have a quarantine tank. They seem to be eating and adjusti...More The fish arrived and are doing well. They are in 125 with some other small discus. I do not have a quarantine tank. They...
The discus fish is one of the world’s most sought-after freshwater aquarium species and they are often referred to as the king of aquarium fish. These cichlids have been bred into a multitude of amazing colors and patterns. Some you can find at your local fish store, but others are rare...
DiscusGuy 🐟 is the best place to buy your Discus Fish with Live Arrival Guaranteed. We are all about high-quality discus fish for sale at affordable prices
Welcome to the Carolina's finest Discus Fish boutique, Myrtle Beach Discus, The Premium stop for Grade-A, Show quality Discus Fish for sale. Located in sunny Myrtle Beach, we offer the best live arrival guarantee on all discus fish. New shipments every m
It is urgent that you unpack your fish as soon as possible. Float the container in the isolation aquarium where they are going to stay. DO NOT open the container at this time! You may find that you need to remove some of the aquarium water to prevent it from overflowing when the contai...
For you though not your fish! 92 1,183 Levain Style Chocolate Chip Cookies by AquaticNerd 12-19-2024, 10:11 AM Home and Living Like talking cocktails and beverages? Gardening? Hobbies? This is where to go! 69 1,818 A history of food in the USA by LizStreithorst 11-17-2024, 12...
Prominent Pattern Discus Fish Types Discus fish are peaceful and exceptionally pleasing to look at in an aquarium. Their color variations and calm temperament are desired by many aquarium hobbyists. They generally are not good for beginner or even intermediate fish keepers, as they are overly sensi...
They also have other benefits. True to their name, these fish eat algae at the bottom of the tank. Therefore, they are not in competition with the discus for food or territory. They usually stick to the bottom of the tank, where all their needs are fulfilled. The one drawback of this...
As Paul says to each is own tastes...but my biggest worry is that these "unusual" forms will make it into the Normal gene pool and people will start seeing them in offspring of the fish they buy and breed. I'd be royally ticked if I bought Bds and they threw those. JMO, al La...