[...]be appointed by the Governor, we agree that it would be more logicaltovestthepowertoappoint an acting chairman in the Governor as well. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 此外,由於委員會 的主席是由總督委任的,我們同意把委任署理主席的權力亦授予總督,這是較為合理的。
1994. Discretionary justice: A legal and policy analysis of a governor's use of the clemency power in the cases of incarcerated battered women. Journal of Law and Policy. 3 1ff.Linda L Ammons.Discretionary Justice: a Legal and Policy Analysis of a Governor’s Use of the Clemency Power in...
115 5 Reformulating Discretion in the Mid- to Late Nineteenth Century A single pardon could be "hostile to the ends of justice." Francis Lieber made this point in the 1859 version of his essay on the abuse of the one-man pardon power. Although he was well aware that most prisoners who ...
Britannica Dictionary definition of DISCRETIONARY 1 :available to be used when and how you decide She has enoughdiscretionary income[=income that is left after paying for things that are essential, such as food and housing] to pay for a nice vacation each year. ...