Recently, Kurosawa, Ogata, and Tsujii proposed a new cryptographic assumption, the Chosen Discrete Logarithm Assumption (CDLA), and showed that any language in NP has a fourmove, zeroknowledge interactive proof (ZKIP) under the CDLA. In this paper, we define the modified CDLA and consider its...
We propose a short signature scheme whose security is closely related to the discrete logarithm assumption in the random oracle model. The new scheme offers a better security guarantee than existing discrete-logarithm-based signature schemes. The main advantage of this scheme over the DSA signature ...
Recently, by using the algebraic group model (AGM), where adversary computation is algebraic, the EUF-CMA security of ordinary Schnorr signatures has been proven tightly secure under DL assumption with random oracles. However, one could not trivially apply the reduction of Schnorr signatures in AGM...
Local variations of the local logarithmique slope are displayed in insert (blue). Density lengths distributions for the 5 outcrops, a2d (=kt+1) in g) and α2d the fracture trace density in h). 29 and below 2.5 m. Because it is difficult to say that these regimes are physically ...
Taking the negative logarithm gives the negative log likelihood(11)∊∊l(θ)=l(θ;YN)=-ln(L(θ;YN)=12∑k=1Nln(det(Rk|k-1))+∊kTRk|k-1-1∊+lln(2π),which is to be minimized with respect to the parameter vector θ. Here R1|0 corresponds to the initial covariance. Since...
the binary entropy function, where log stands for the logarithm in base 2. (By convention, 0log0=0.) We will use the following estimate in our calculation; see, e.g., [7, Lem. 3.6], or [9, Corr. 10.3]. For any integer n≥1 and 0≤α≤1/2, we have (nαn)≤2nH(α...
Recently, Kurosawa, Ogata, and Tsujii proposed a new cryptographic assumption, the Chosen Discrete Logarithm Assumption (CDLA), and showed that any language in NP has a four-move, zero-knowledge interactive proof (ZKIP) under the CDLA. In this paper, we define the modified CDLA and consider ...
The one more-discrete logarithm assumption (OMDL) underlies the security analysis of identification protocols, blind signature and multi-signature schemes, such as blind Schnorr signatures and the recent MuSig2 multi-signatures. As these schemes produce standard......
The Schnorr-like IBS due to Galindo and Garcia is known as the most efficient IBS based on the discrete logarithm (DL) problem, without the need for computationally expensive pairing operations. This makes it a lightweight and efficient solution for signature generation and verification. ...
In our context, we investigate the computation y = g~x (mod p), for a prime p, which is believed to be secure in the sense of the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) as-sumption. To be more precise, knowing only p, g and y, it is hard to derive x. We note that this computation...