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IT之家3 月 14 日消息,Discovery 公司去年与 AT&T 旗下资产华纳媒体(WarnerMedia)合并。近日官方宣布,两家的流媒体 App——HBO Max 和 Discovery Plus 也将进行合并。 Discovery 首席财务官 Gunnar Wiedenfels 周一发表讲话时表示,这两个 App 合并为一个大型 App 之前,会先推出一些捆绑订阅选项,之后再逐步将 App...
据Neowin报道,Discovery Plus将与HBO Max合并,以创造一个统一的流媒体体验...Wiedenfels说,整合的第一步将是在Discovery Plus和HBO Max之间进行某种形式的捆绑,同时新公司要想出一种方法来合并这两项服务和其内容...该公司的合并后计划肯定包括合并产品...但由于这两种产品都已经包括支持广告和不支持广告的版本,它...
Re: Discovery Plus App - What is the simultaneous streaming limit in the UK? Are there any availablr package options which would expand the limit from 2 to 4?Just womdering given Sky go has the additional package add on of sky go extra which expands their offere...
品玩3月15日讯,Discovery 公司去年与 AT&T 旗下资产华纳媒体(WarnerMedia)合并。近日官方宣布,两家的流媒体 App——HBO Max 和 Discovery Plus 也将进行合并。 Discovery 首席财务官 Gunnar Wiedenfels 周一发表讲话时表示,这两个 App 合并为一个大型 App 之前,会先推出一些捆绑订阅选项,之后再逐步将 App 进行合...
discovery+ plans Install discovery+ Sign up for discovery+ MORE Special Offers Redeem a promo code MORE Account and Billing Forgot password Change your plan Update payment method MORE Profiles About profiles Set up your profiles Simultaneous streams MORE Watching Shows Find shows and episodes Cl...
i have discovery plus via sky (free) and am logged into the discovery plus app. I have activated the tnt thing on the bt website. when I go into the discovery plus app it says contact your provider to be able to watch the sports. I am logged in on that app as showing from ...
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Solved: Every app installed on my TV works flawlessly except Discovery Plus. It freezes and buffers a lot, so I hooked up my Roku device to - 2182809