Oncology Discovery Posts Optimizing for Luck in Drug Development Continue readingOptimizing for Luck in Drug Development Comments closed An Immuno-Oncology Target You’ve (Probably) Never Heard of – Releasing the Brakes on the Innate Immune System Continue readingAn Immuno-Oncology Target You’ve...
oncology discovery 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: Review Open AccessMechanisms of therapy resistance in osteosarcoma: a reviewAbstractTerapy resistance remains a challenge in the treatment for osteosarcoma (OS). By studying therapy resistance and gaining biological understanding of resistance in OS, novel ...
Drug discovery in oncology has undergone profound changes over the past 20 yr; the rate of change has markedly accelerated over the last 5 yr, and it is therefore appropriate to take stock of these changes, and to ask what the next steps in this evolving landscape of concepts, skills, and...
The Discovery on Target conference is the industry’s preeminent event on novel drug targets and technologies for drug discovery professionals.
在这样的背景之下,Hematology and Oncology Discovery(HOD)期刊于2022年6月正式创刊。HOD是一本经国际同行评议、在线开放获取的国际英文医学期刊(ISSN 2811-5619),其专注于血液学和肿瘤学的临床与创新研究,旨在为全球血液学家和肿瘤学家提供一个高水平交流的平台,以推动血液及肿瘤领域前沿研究、临床实践和多学科...
Vol 3 No 1 (2025) Published on January 20, 2025 Oncology Treatment Discoveryis a peer-reviewed, open access journal. It accepts manuscripts relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. The journal publishes the latest findings in cancer research, including preliminary results, repeated argum...
2. Tentler JJ, Tan AC, Weekes CD, Jimeno A, Leong S, Pitts TM, et al. Patient-derivedtumour xenografts as models for oncology drug development.Nat Rev Clin Oncol2012;9(6):338-50 doi 10.1038/nrclinonc.2012.61. 3....
往年对Cell Death & Discovery引用次数较多的期刊,主要有:International Journal of Molecular Sciences、Cancers、Cells、Molecules、Frontiers in Oncology、Frontiers in Immunology、Scientific Reports等,其中Cells(低危)有被列入中科院预警名单。 总结 Nature旗下的“小小CDD”杂志Cell Death & Discovery,近两年新入SCI,...
Cancer Discovery作为AACR官方影响因子最高的期刊,和其他大家熟悉的顶级期刊,如JAMA Oncology、Lancet Oncology略有区别。Cancer Discovery这本杂志不仅关注临床研究,也非常关注临床前研究、科研转化研究的成果。此次发表的舒沃替尼研究,不仅有...