Nobel Foundation’s limit of three recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living, has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research—as will be demonstrated by the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging the discovery of the Higgs boson....
换言之,现代科学研究是所有研究人员共同协作的结果,这也是 Higgs boson 案例典型的原因。B选项中的 joint effort 对应原文中的 collaborative nature,故正确。 以上“33. The discovery of the Higgs boson is a typical case which involves”,更多关考研英语真题内容将不断更新。
In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider announced the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 gigaelectronvolts. Ten years later, and with the data corresponding to the production of a 30-times larger number of Higgs bosons, we have ...
其后, 基于更多的数据和更深入的分析, CERN 于2013 年3 月14 日发表声明:"新的结果表明CERN 发现的粒子是Higgs 玻色子". 在简要回顾标准模型Higgs 的理论以及在LHC 之前的寻找结果之后, 我们将结合近年来参与CMS 实验及Higgs 寻找的工作经历, 详细介绍LHC 上Higgs 玻色子的发现历程, 以及对Higgs 质量,耦合,...
In 2012, the ATLAS12and CMS13experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)14at CERN announced the discovery of a new particle with properties consistent with those predicted for the Higgs boson of the standard model10,11. More precise measurements that used all of the proton–proton collision...
In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider announced the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 gigaelectronvolts. Ten years later, and with the data corresponding to the production of a 30-times larger number of Higgs bosons, we have...
The Standard Model(SM) Higgs boson was predicted by theorists in the 1960 s during the development of the electroweak theory.Prior to the startup of the CERN Large Hadron Collider(LHC), experimental searches found no evidence of the Higgs boson. In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments ...
s a chance that somewhere in the mess of particles produced in that collision, there was a Higgs boson. This is just one example, of course; there are many other sets of particles that the Higgs could decay into, and the large detectors at the LHC are designed to look for all of ...
The first edition of Engines of Discovery celebrated in words, images and anecdotes the accelerators and their constructors that culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson. But even before the ...
skip to main content jun 20, 2012 6:30 am physics community afire with rumors of higgs boson discovery the latest rumors circulating around the physics blogosphere suggest that scientists with the large hadron collider will announce the discovery of the higgs boson within weeks. save save adam ...