discovery在《元照英美法词典》中有三层含义,分别为: (1) 披露 民事诉讼中的一种审前程序,一方当事人可以通过该程序从对方当事人处获得与案件有关的事实与信息,以助于准备庭审。根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕的规定,要求披露的方式包括:书面证词〔deposition〕、书面质询〔writte...
这里的“discovery”指的并不是发现,而是“披露”——民事诉讼中的一种审前程序。元照英美法词典中对于“discovery”的解释如下: 民事诉讼中的一种审前程序,一方当事人可以通过该程序从对方当事人处获得与案件有关的事实与信息,以助于准备庭审。根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕的...
E-Discovery: The New Federal Rules of Civil ProcedureTara E. Daub
根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》(Federal Rules of Civil Procedure)的规定,要求披露的方式包括:书面证词(deposition)、书面质询(written interrogatories)、请求承认(requests for admissions)、请求出示文件(requests for production)等。在英国,任一方当事人经法庭许可并预交诉讼费用保...
在美国联邦民事诉讼程序中,「书面询问」(interrogatories)是以问卷的形式调查对造对于相关争点所涉信息之认识。为避免因违反答复相关问题之义务而受到《联邦民事诉讼法》(Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,FRCP)第37条之惩戒,回复方应积极面对书面询问的书状。
A review of sanctions and discovery decisions under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by Ed Clinton, Jr.
Are We Insane? The Quest for Proportionality in the Discovery Rules of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Review of LitigationGrimm, Paul W.
instead proceed remotely by videoconference under Rule 30(b)(4) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and defendant’s assertion that “due to [defendant’s] COVID-19 precautions, the noticed deponents were working remotely for the foreseeable future,...
Legal discovery is a formal exchange of information between parties in a legal dispute. It takes place at the beginning of legal proceedings and exists to acquire evidence that may be used at trial. From the time the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure were established in 1938—which established ...
eDiscovery: a new approach to discovery in federal and state courts: changes in technology have altered the way lawyers deal with preservation, collection, review, and production of evidence. The electronic-discovery amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, effective December 1, 2006, ...