wd discovery是西数硬盘管理软件,通过wd discovery软件可以帮助用户管理连接的WD设备,会在我的电脑里多出一个网络硬盘图标,完全能够当硬盘分区使用。功能介绍:1、保护 轻松备份您的宝贵数据,管理您连接的WD设备,如My Passport 和My Book 驱动器。2、监控 优化并监控设备的健康情况;化繁为简,如使用...
WD Discovery for Windows, by Western Digital Corporation, is a cloud-based software delivery software, that helps manage other WD Apps, such as WD Drive Utility, and WD Security, updates, and notifications for external USB drives that are connected to routers, NAS devices, and other networking...
BIOVIA Discovery Studio for Windows常见问题及解决方案 (1) BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot Server安装失败:Policy Error: could not open policy files:share/policies/PP90. 故障原因:Windows用户名为中文或其他无法被识别的字符,PPS安装时无法调取到用户名文件夹里的文件,详情查看路径C:\Users\XXX (XXX为Windows用户名)...
Install Discovery for Windows.exe Qihu360 检测出 Win32/Trojan.Generic.HgIASgYA 第三方检测https:...
1、下载解压,双击文件“Install WD Discovery for Windows.exe”安装软件; 2、在wd discovery安装时请耐心等待; 3、找到PC系统托盘右下角的WD图标; 4、单击以启动wd discovery; 5、由于安装了WD Drive Utilities,已连接的外部驱动器将会自动被wd discovery识别到,单击驱动器以访问内容。
WindowsDiscoverystudio2.1安装 问题及其解决之道 windows系统可以在emule下载,安装过程其实很简单,但最重要的问题是如果从解压缩 目录直接安装的话,pipelinepilot安装有问题,最好的解决办法是将安装文件做成一个iso 文件,然后用虚拟光驱软件读入此iso文件,再进行安装,这样就OK了。 网络上下载的discoverystudio2.1,有的人...
[Function Discovery is available for use in the following versions of Windows: Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.] ...
Table 1 Parameters for configuring the Windows process and network collector Parameter Configuration host_path Yes Enter the path to the CSV file that contains Windows server authorization information, for example, D:\nodes.csv. You need to prepare the CSV file in advance. In the first row (...
It is multi-platform, meaning that you can run it on just about any computer such as Windows, Linux, MAC etc. It also can be downloaded in a package alongside NMAP so that you don’t even have to do any extra searching for this program. ...