As the prime rates change, so do interest rates for some credit cards or loans. If you have a credit card, you may already know how interest rates could affect your personal finances. However, the factors that determine interest rates often stay hidden behind the scenes. One particularly powe...
Thus, there is a dearth of studies on lecturers’ intention to accept AI for their students and also to examine the factors that influence their acceptance of AI in sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, the study aims to investigate the acceptability of AI by lecturers and further examine the factors ...
while the government consumption ratio and stringency index exert a strong negative influence. Conversely, trade openness and inflation do not significantly affect GDP. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers, economists, and analysts, highlighting that during the pandemic, factors such as ...
There are two factors that can determine whether you’ll have a comfortable retirement: The amount of money you’ve saved and how quickly you spend that nest egg after you retire. The rate of annual withdrawals from personal savings and investments helps determine how long those assets will las...
With war and inflation having an impact on both consumer income and business operating conditions, the Kantar BrandZ Top 30 Most Valuable Spanish Brands 2023 have seen an overall decline of 9% to a total value of $89.1bn. Zara has retained its number one place as the most valuable Spanish ...
exacerbated by geopolitical tensions.1Chief economists’ outlooks improved throughout the first half of the year, resulting in a cautiously optimistic stance for the global economy.2These factors are likely to influence global shopping behavior, and when asked, some shoppers (32%) reported they ...
Several key factors influence the price of gold. Geopolitical events, such as conflicts and trade tensions, can drive investors to seek safe-haven assets like gold, leading to price increases. Economic indicators like interest rates and inflation rates also impact gold prices. Furthermore, shifts ...
squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is used to test the hypotheses.FindingsThe findings captured inconsistencies in XBRL disclosures between financial and non-financial components, industries, and companies. This study found that only economic factors have a significant direct effect on the su...
As the Probit model indicated, the factors that influence the vegetable market participation among producers are sex, age, education level, land size, perception regarding weather conditions, access to credit, adoption of improved technologies, and market distance. Likewise, the OLS regression revealed...
level of FinTech integration in Saudi Arabian banks may not significantly influence the ENF-SP relationship. Thus, this study provides a deeper understanding of the interactions between ENF, FINV, and SP while also underscoring the necessity for further investigation into contextual factors that influen...