Using synths, pulsing beats and live instrumentation, the siblings effortlessly navigate and intertwine diverse musical genres, casting a wide net for potential listeners. The head-bobbing “Comme des Garçons,” released earlier this month, thrives on an irresistible funk rhythm and a captivating...
the streaming service hasn’t forgotten devotees of BTS or NewJeans. Although the top 10 most streamed songs and albums last year on Spotify were mostly from the US,international genres, including K-pop, música mexicana, Afrobeats, Indian classical instrumental music and others, rack up millio...
American Horror Story (AHS) is a captivating anthology series that seamlessly blends elements of the horror, dark drama, and psychological thriller genres along with stunning cinematography to craft a fresh, enthralling tale each season. New to the series and wondering where to start? Check out ...
Delgado continues the family legacy of crafting custom guitars from the finest woods for a wide range of genres - the famous clientele includes Los Lobos, Ozomatli and Gaby Moreno. Along with new and vintage guitars, repairs and accessories, Candelas offers private, one-on-one guitar lessons ...
After about two weeks, as my listening became more serious and I started to write down some notes on what I was hearing, I ended up switching musical genres, transitioning to classical music. Three pieces ended up playing a significant role in my testing and comparative analysis: Ravel’s Bo...