with rewards, you must use the Discover Card from which the rewards were applied to pay for the remainder of your purchase. You may not use a credit card from an issuer other than Discover or another Discover credit card enrolled in Pay with Rewards in conjunction with the rewards ...
As a result, a good credit score may lead to benefits like a higher credit limit and lower interest rates on your credit card. If you have a history of not using credit responsibly, leading to a lower credit score, it may indicate to credit card issuers that you might not repay your ...
Learn more about Discover credit cards and apply for the best credit card for you, whether you need cash back, miles, a student credit card or a secured credit card.
Find the perfect deal in our line-up of promotions. Find a promotionManaging your card Activate your credit card and debit card Increase your credit limit Apply for a supplementary card Activate your card’s magnetic stripe for overseas transactions Apply for online eStatements...
The promotion button will expire concurrently. 【2022.7 更新】Amazon Discover CB 支付滿減活動 Discover cashback 支付滿減活動前幾個月有過一波,現在又來了,有40% off up to $40 off、30% off up to $30 off等。 這個活動跟下面的MR活動類似,詳情不贅述了。首先需要先連一張Discover卡: 點擊此鏈接...
Discover 現在針對 Android 用戶也推出了一個小羊毛 Promotion (E-Mail Targeted): 消費一筆返還$10,上限5次,也就是一共$50 截止日期:2016年9月10日 沒有消費金額要求 很遺憾的是這次 Promo 似乎是 Targeted,一些Reddit讀者去問客服企圖直接加上表示失敗了。相對之前的 Apple Pay 返還10%來比,這個小氣了不少...
Learn more about Discover credit cards and apply for the best credit card for you, whether you need cash back, miles, a student credit card or a secured credit card.
当代营销理论经历了4Ps——4Cs——4Rs的过程,并将随着市场的发展,不断完善,不断推陈出新。 20世纪50年代,美国麦卡锡提出的以市场为导向的4Ps营销策略,至今被奉为营销理论的经典。4P指的是产品(Product)、价格(Price)、渠道(Place)和促销(Promotion)四个方面,通过上述四个方面的营销组合,构成了公司市场营销的...
Air miles, shopping cashback, member-exclusive perks. Discover credit cards based on your preferences and decide how you would like to be rewarded. Find a credit card Exclusive perks as you bank with ease Our collection of debit cards gives you year-round savings when you spend on the things...
The article provides information on Discover's Get Set for Fall promotion. Credit card can be used at participating stores, such as Gap, Kohl's and Office Depot, and earn a 5% rebate on every dollar. If a child attends a school which allows consumers to charge tuition to credit card, ...