Customers can earn cash back on up to $3,000 in debit card purchases each month. Discover offers surcharge-free access to more than 60,000 ATMs. Those enrolled in direct deposit can receive paychecks up to two days early. Cons The Discover® Cashback Debit account doesn’t earn interest...
Based on cardholder experiences on Reddit, there’s a lot of room for credit growth with Discover. A few users who started with modest limits between $200 and $500 on the Discover it® Secured Credit Card got a limit increase after a few years to over $5,000 on an unsecured Discover...
Reddit suspensions are usually legit, but it could also happen that you are suspended for no reason.There could be an error in the system, or someone could have wrongly reported you. It could also be that your account was hacked and you have been wrongly accused of something that you didn...
While using a Discover Cashback Debit card with Apple Pay, customers will continue to receive one percent cash back with some limitations such as ATM withdrawals up to $3,000 in qualifying debit card purchases each month. Word of Discover's acceptance of Apple Pay camein April 2015when ...
很遗憾的是这次 Promo 似乎是 Targeted,一些Reddit读者去问客服企图直接加上表示失败了。相对之前的 Apple Pay 返还10%来比,这个小气了不少,不过那次活动应该是让 Discover 受伤不少吧(虽然有消息说 Apple 负担一部分)。如果是新申请的卡,记得还有 Double Cash Back 哟,羊毛虽然不大,但还是值得撸一发的!
很遺憾的是這次 Promo 似乎是 Targeted,一些Reddit讀者去問客服企圖直接加上表示失敗了。相對之前的 Apple Pay 返還10%來比,這個小氣了不少,不過那次活動應該是讓 Discover 受傷不少吧(雖然有消息說 Apple 負擔一部分)。如果是新申請的卡,記得還有 Double Cash Back 喲,羊毛雖然不大,但還是值得擼一發的!
Discover Cashback Checking Account (Debit Card/ATM Card) 银行卡简介 【2023.11 更新】现在有$100开户奖励 via Swagbucks or MyPoints。HT: DoC. 【2023.5 更新】之前我都没注意,这个账户其实在2022.12.5开始停止新用户申请了一段时间,现在重新开放申请了。HT: 美卡论坛 Gin_m &am…Read more 支票账户 发现卡...
Dang, why couldn't they have added Discover earlier. Now I won't be able to order my wife's iPhone 6s and pay for it with my Discover and Apple Pay and get 10% back. Maybe Discover has held off on this on purpose, so they aren't giving out $65 or more in ca...
Reddit—the forum of all forums—has more than 3.4 million subreddits (communities) covering every topic imaginable, from tech to culture to environment. Can’t find forums for your niche? Try Google: search for “[your niche] + forum” to discover relevant communities. 6. Ask your own cu...
Do you have a gift card for a store that you never shop at? Many of us do! You can make money from your unwanted gift cards by selling them.Here are some placeswhere you can sell them for cash. How much can you earn? The earning potential varies depending on several factors. It de...