After you open a new credit card account or renew an existing credit card, you'll receive a physical card in the mail. But before you can start using the new card to make purchases, you'll need to activate it. Whether you complete your credit card activation over the phone, use your...
Once you receive your new Discover card in the mail, you can activate it using the issuer’s online activation page, or by calling Discover customer service at 800-347-2683. Activation information will also be provided in the mailing when your new card arrives. ...
You can also activate your card by going toDiscover's card activation page. You will choose to activate your card by logging into your Discover account or without logging in. If you choose to activate your card without logging in, you'll be asked for your birth date, last four digits of...
Oops. Something went wrong. We apologize for any inconvenience, but the rewards calendar is not working at this time. Please check again later.Go to Account Center
Check account balance and validity Press ##122# SENDTerms and conditionsIDD international calls are charged on a per minute basis. All entitlement of this card will start deducting since card activation. Validity of 5-day pass and 8-day pass is 5 days and 8 days respectively. Service will ...
many other secured cards, theDiscover it® Secured Credit Cardearns rewards, as well as cashback match at the end of your first year for new card members. It also offers a few other useful perks like the ability to transition to an unsecured card starting seven months from account opening...
A 5% cash-back card is a great asset for consumers looking to maximize rewards. Check out the bonus cash-back categories that allow you to earn up to 5% back each quarter.
must equal your credit limit. The approved limit can be as high as $2,500 and hinges on your income and ability to pay. The deposit, less any unpaid balance, is refundable within two billing cycles plus 10 days when you close your account or upgrade to an unsecured Discover card. ...
I’m also quite happy with the limit of $1,000 on my credit card because I don’t use it much and mostly just rely on the money in my bank account. Problem was, Hertz (at least in Croatia) doesn’t allow you to use your debit card for the deposit. So I was pretty…sad!
You won’t earn your 5 percent cash back bonuses with the Discover it Cash Back or Discover it Student Cash Back unless you activate this bonus feature on your card each quarter. Fortunately, you can easily activate your bonus categories on your credit card’s online account page. ...