Your minimum payment is the lowest amount you must pay toward your monthly credit card statement balance in order to keep your account current. If you don't make your minimum payment on time, your card issuer may charge a late fee and penalty interest. Setting up automatic payments and text...
Statement credits include redeemed rewards from a rewards credit card or refunds from purchases made with your card. Statement credits reduce your current balance but don’t count as credit card payments. You’re still responsible for making your minimum monthly payments. Depending on your outstanding...
开卡奖励是statement credit形式(如下图所示,我申请的时候,这张图的开卡奖励是50美元),不是现金形式,就是直接在你下一期账单里面减去50美元的形式。值得注意的是直接去官网申请的话是没有开卡奖励的,会被默认为Discover广告投放的结果,就只有日常的消费返现。 开卡奖励50美元 好学生奖励20美元 返现奖励: 每季度有特...
CNBC Select analyzed each Discover credit card to find the best offers based on card type, rewards and more.
我的邮箱地址是 。 发邮件过来我会回复给你申请链接地址。 如果不经人推荐经过链接申请,这50美元是拿不到的。 互利互惠。如果还有什么疑问,可以追加,我会继续解答。 最后祝大家都早日申请到信用卡,开始自己的credit积分之旅:)...
特色: $100 開卡獎勵:開卡三個月內消費一筆即可得到 $100 statement credit。 Everything 1.5% cash back。雖然官方用語是 Miles,但是這張卡的 Miles 並非航空公司的 Miles,這裡的價值只能是 1 Mile…Read more Discover 信用卡 發現卡 Discover, 無境外手續費, 無年費信用卡, 返現信用卡...
Discover it® Secured Credit Card: Basics Card type: Secured. Annual fee: $0. Security deposit: A minimum of $200. This amount determines your credit limit. Deposits can be as high as $2,500. Bonus: INTRO ...
The Discover it® Miles card does not carry foreign transaction fees, and there is a $0 annual fee. Best for people who: Prefer to earn travel rewards as statement credit Do not want to pay foreign transaction fees or an annual fee Plan to make large purchases during their first year ...
Get a giftcard in the PaysafeCard giftcard shop* Buy PaysafeCard online* Choose PaysafeCard in larger amounts* More features with the PaysafeCard app Monthly maintenance fee from the 13th month. You can find details here. Max. amount per transaction: up to GBP 1,000 * Sign up *Country-spec...
Statement credits on your credit card. Donations to select charities. Shopping at Amazon. (You can do this by linking your eligible Discover card to your Amazon account, paying with that card and applying your cash back at checkout.)