Using a small set of Teacher Discourse Moves and Student Discourse Moves, teachers focus on deepening students' mathematical reasoning in ways fully inclusive of ELLs, while also helping all students build the language of complex thinking and mathematical argumentation....
This study investigated first-grade students' discussions about factors that affect how objects float. Students came from a variety of language backgrounds; all were considered beginner/intermediate ELLs. Results show that the goal of inducing principles from actual phenomena encouraged students to ...
out about ChatGPT-Part I 80%94part-i Guest post: AI will augment, not replace
This study investigated first-grade students' discussions about factors that affect how objects float. Students came from a variety of language backgrounds; all were considered beginner/intermediate ELLs. Results show that the goal of inducing principles from actual phenomena encouraged students to ...
2009. "Reform-Oriented Mathematics in Three 6th Grade Classes: How Teachers Draw In ELLs to Academic Discourse." Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 8 (2/3): 88-106.Hansen-Thomas, H. (2009). Reform-oriented mathematics in three 6th grade classes: How teachers draw ELLs into ...
ELLs who ultimately became central members in the classroom CofP used more diverse higher-order language than those who remained peripheral.; Reform-oriented mathematics classes, designed to address the needs of linguistic minority learners, are framed within interesting and motivating scenarios. When ...
Developing Teacher Capacity for Serving ELLs' Writing Instructional Needs: A Case for Systemic Functional Linguistics Although explicit grammar instruction has been a source of considerable debate in second-language teaching, increasingly educational linguists assert instr... Z Aguirre-Mu?Oz,JE Park,AA&...