Ohio pension fund to decide discount for liabilities of Columbus, other cities.Pierog, KarenHume, Lynn Stevens
The Family Access discount membershipcategory is for families who live in Ohio and qualify for government assistance. The membership admits 2 primary named members in the same household, plus up to 6 dependent children or grandchildren up to age 21 years (not both). The membership is $64.99 an...
Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors : Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts Service, and Engineering Index, Inc., 1974, 23A+362 pages; $9.50 postpaid from Bibliographic Support Division, Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (U.S.A.); discount...
Boodjeh also had a knack for anticipating where to locate future stores. He would buy vacant properties predicting they would become busy traffic areas, and decades later, a highway exit ramp or housing development would sprout up nearby. Retail expert Robert Antall, a principal inColumbus Consu...
Ohio cities get discount on pension fund loans; Columbus readies bond issue.Pierog, Karen
McBride, James