What’s on sale in the store? 店裡有哪些東西在特價? 通常要形容一間店在打折,或是特殊節日的折扣,會直接用 sale。 The store is having a sale. 這間店在特價中。 The department store is having a thanksgiving sale. 這間百貨公司正在舉行感恩節特價活動。 Thanksgiving sale. 感恩節特賣。 Anniversary...
"clearance"是"clear"的名词形式;商家为清空仓储而进行大型甩卖活动:店铺会贴出"last day today"(折扣价最后一天)、"final clearance"(最后清仓)来吸引顾客 I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale. 我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。 Everything must go 清仓大甩卖;...
Me neither, but this coupon gives us a 30% discount off. 我也不会,但是用优惠券可以打7折。1、Price off 降价 These magazines are half price off. 这些杂志五折。2、On sale 廉价出售 I got this hat on sale; it was very cheap.我在大减价时买到这顶帽子, 价格很便宜。3、Special...
Discounts are price reductions applied to items to encourage purchases during a sale or as a standalone offer. 12 Sales often occur during specific periods, such as end-of-season, clearance, or promotional campaigns, aimed at increasing customer traffic and clearing inventory. Discounts, on the ...
Flavour Beast Fixx Disposable 3000 Puff Vape *Sale $16.99 e-Juice e-Juice Lemon Drop Ice Salt - Blue Raspberry $19.99 Lemon Drop Salt - Blue Raspberry $19.99 Lemon Drop Ice Salt - Peach $19.99 naked100 Salt - Mint $19.99 Major E-Cig ...
Clearance sale "clearance"是"clear"的名词形式;商家为清空仓储而进行大型甩卖活动:店铺会贴出"last day today"(折扣价最后一天)、"final clearance"(最后清仓)来吸引顾客 I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale. 我是在清仓大甩卖时...
Clearance sale "clearance"是"clear"的名词形式;商家为清空仓储而进行大型甩卖活动:店铺会贴出"last day today"(折扣价最后一天)、"final clearance"(最后清仓)来吸引顾客 I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale. 我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。
I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale. 我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。Everything must go清仓大甩卖;我们经常在街上听到卖场喇叭喊的”一件都不留“,有些店铺合租到期或停业清仓时会打出"closing down sale"The shop is having a closing-down sale and ...
Enjoy 15% off on your first purchase Free shipping on your purchase of any $88 or more. 3. 登录领取9折优惠这样说: Sign in and save 10% off 4. 清仓促销折扣怎么表达呢? Clearance Sale Save up to 70% 今天就先分享到这里。欢迎大家补充和更正。 订阅号:MEIZI80EN ...
Clearance sale "clearance"是"clear"的名词形式;商家为清空仓储而进行大型甩卖活动:店铺会贴出"last day today"(折扣价最后一天)、"final clearance"(最后清仓)来吸引顾客 I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale. 我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。