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C&D Hotel Fuzhou is Next to the beautiful West Lake, and is situated in the central business district of Fuzhou. It takes merely 10 minutes by car to the Fuzhou Railway Station. The Chinese restaurant and the Western restaurant are ready to offer a feast
FAQs when booking at Huana Hotel Minhang Shanghai How far is the hotel from Pudong International Airport Shanghai? Does Huana Hotel Minhang Shanghai offer airport shuttle service? What are the check-in and check-out time at Huana Hotel Minhang Shanghai?
Jin Jiang Pacific Hotel Shanghai founded in 1926, is located on one of the most popular and bustling streets of Shanghai, Nanjing Road pedestrian street, and faces People's Square. The entrance of metro line 1,2 and 8 are also within easy reach.
FAQs when booking at Kingtown Riverside Hotel Plaza Shanghai How far is the hotel from Pudong International Airport Shanghai? Does Kingtown Riverside Hotel Plaza Shanghai offer airport shuttle service? What are the check-in and check-out time at Kingtown Riverside Hotel Plaza Shanghai?
Huatian Hotel Changsha is a five-star hotel located a short drive from Changsha Railway Station.The hotel provides guestrooms equipped.There are also VIP and non-smoking floors available.Huatian has several different restaurants and bars: the Silvery Tow
Suzhou Sun Plaza Hotel is just three minutes drive from Shantang Street (Shantang Jie), Shilu Pedestrian Street (Shilu Buxing Jie) and Suzhou Railway Station.When it comes time to dine, guests can head to the on-site Chinese or Western restaurant.
Yongjiang Hotel Nanning is located near the Yong River, 30 kilometers from the airport and two km from the railway station.The hotel's variously sized rooms range from standard and deluxe accommodations to business suites, all of which are equipped wit