2. When product is shipped back to our facility from the Exchange why do we receive deductions for the freight cost even though our agreement stipulates we pay the transportation cost of the product? There are situations when the return information isn’t clearly spelled out. The Exchange will...
As a safeguard against the inability of a carrier to fulfill its contractual obligations due to unforeseen circumstances, the shipper also specifies a minimum number of carriers for each lane. We call this problem the freight allocation problem with all-units quantity-based discount (FAPAQD). ...
considering the lot-size coordination problem where demand is stochastic and the transport time as a part of the lead time affects the transport fee charged by the carrier in a three-level supply chain, and (2) formulating a coordination mechanism for a supply chain with multiple carriers, mult...
the shipment should be refused and noted as such on the freight bill. Freight carriers will not honor damage claims if not discovered and noted at the time of delivery. If you choose to refuse the shipment, please contact us as soon as possible so we may further assist. Product returned ...