MusicMultipurpose Enhance your server with features like music player, giveaways, temporary voice channels, tickets, message clearing and auto roles! ViewAdd BotUpvote Musical Tune 0 340K MusicYouTube Tune - the ultimate music bot for your server! Supports YouTube, Spotify & more. Advanced contr...
Freadboat’s highlight is the fact that it can play high-quality music. It supports YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, direct links, Twitch, and more. Playlist creation is also available here so you canplay songs continuouslywithout any pause in between. It’s a secure open-source bot, but it...
1.首先開啟 AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player,然後透過選擇播放您想聽的音樂開啟檔案選項。只需在電腦上找到您想要共享的音樂檔案。 2.然後,打開 Discord 並加入語音頻道在您最喜歡的 Discord 伺服器中。 3.按一下「分享您的螢幕」按鈕,然後在「應用程式」畫面分享模式下選擇「AnyMP4 藍光播放器」視窗。點選上線開始分享。
I am creating a Discord bot to play music via Youtube as practice with APIs. Every time I run the command to play a Youtube video I am met with "ffmpeg was not found". I have downloaded ffmpeg (as I'm on Windows) and moved the folder to my C: drive. Once done, I've a...
Playlist support (both web/youtube, and local) Supported sources and formats JMusicBot supports all sources and formats supported bylavaplayer: Sources YouTube SoundCloud Bandcamp Vimeo Twitch streams Local files HTTP URLs Formats MP3 FLAC
music music-player js discord discord-bot discord-js musicbot lavalink lavalink-musicbot erelajs musicbotdiscord Updated Oct 1, 2022 JavaScript RB387 / py-discord-music-bot Star 7 Code Issues Pull requests Python Discord Music Bot python music bot docker youtube ffmpeg discord discord-...
Music Commands (Requires the music bot). CommandDescriptionExample usage ;;playurlPlays music from the given URLs. See supported sources below.;;play ;;listDisplays a list of the current songs in the playlist.;;list ...
nodejsmusicyoutubeticketmusic-playerdiscordmoderationdiscordjsdiscord-botmusic-botdiscord-jsmoderation-botnsfwdiscord-moderation-botdiscord-js-v12nsfw-discord-botmoderation-discord-botpersian-caesarsobhan-srzamr-sinre UpdatedMar 5, 2025 JavaScript
login("BOT_TOKEN"); Supported websites By default, discord-player supports YouTube, Spotify and SoundCloud streams only. Optional dependencies Discord Player provides an Extractor API that enables you to use your custom stream extractor with it. Some packages have been made by the community to ...
And if it isn't enough to just playback the files you've uploaded, you can make the bot use youtube-dl to fetch content from your favoritevideo & audio sites. Don't like the default design? There are plenty of themes to choose from, you canpreview them here. In the future there pr...